Year 2022 Vol. 30 No 6




Kursk State Medical University, Kursk,
Russian Federation

The main cause of the development of trophic ulcers is the insufficiency of the venous system of the lower extremities. Venous trophic ulcers (VTU) occupy up to 80% of the structure of trophic lesions of the skin and soft tissues. This pathology is more common in elderly and senile people, when the incidence of the lesion reaches 5% in the population. Without a doubt, in order to achieve complete and rapid healing, surgical treatment is necessary, which would eliminate the etiological factor of the development of VTU. However, in most cases, surgical correction of venous insufficiency is not feasible. Conservative treatment should be multidirectional, and recently more and more attention has been paid to physiotherapy methods of influence. The analysis of the literature data confirms the possibility of using various types of physiotherapeutic methods of exposure as additional therapy for patients suffering from trophic ulcers of mainly venous etiology. It was found that the combination of methods based on various physical factors of influence has the most favorable effect on the healing of VTU. It is not possible to talk about the preferential effectiveness of any one method of physiotherapy, since the studies of individual authors are not identical, which does not allow them to be compared. Thus, we consider further research in this direction to be promising, since these studies will optimize the treatment process and improve the quality of life of patients with VTU.

Keywords: venous trophic ulcer, phototherapy, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, negative pressure therapy, ultrasound therapy.
p. 572-582 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
Kursk, st. Karl Marx, 3,
«Kursk State Medical University» of the Ministry
of Health of Russia, Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy,
tel.: +7 951 072-32-02,
Terekhov Alexey G.
Information about the authors:
Grigoryan Arsen Y., PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, KSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kursk, Russian Federation.
Terekhov Aleksey G., Full-Time Postgraduate Student of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, Assistant of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1, KSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kursk, Russian Federation.
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