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Year 2015 Vol. 23 No 6
The keywords, references list and address for correspondence are available for each article in the section "Abstracts"
A.V. Buravsky, E.V. Baranov, S.I. Tretyak, M.K. Nedzved
Evaluation of effect of local light-emitting diode phototherapy on experimental wounds
EE "Belarusian State Medical University",
The Republic of Belarus
p. 601-611 of the original issue
V.V. Beschasnov 1, S.G. Izmaylov1, M.V. Bagryantsev 1, N.Y. Orlinskaya 1, Å.Å. Lukoyanychev 1, À.À. Mironov 1,2
Activity of reparative regenerative processes in terms of local periwound circulatory hypoxia
SBEE HPE "Nizny Novgorod State Medical Academy" 1,
FSAEE HE "Nizhy Novgorod State University Named after N.I. Lobachevsky" 2,
The Russian Federation
p. 612-618 of the original issue
A.V. Chernyh, E.I. Zakurdaev, E.F. Cherednikov
On the possibility of determining mesh prosthesis size of the preoperative inguinal hernia repair
SBEE HPE "Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko",
The Russian Federation
p. 619-623 of the original issue
A.V. Stakanov 1, À.Å. Muronov 1, S.Y. Efanov 2
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy of acute colonic obstruction
SBEE HPE "Kuban State Medical University" 1
SBEE HPE "Rostov State Medical University"2,
The Russian Federation
p. 624-630 of the original issue
N. Torma 1, I.I. Kopolovets 2, V. Sihotský 3, 4, M. Kubíková 3, 4,M. Frankovičová 3, 4
Surgical treatment of atherosclerotic stenosis of carotid arteries in combination with pathological tortuosity of the internal carotid artery for ischemic stroke prevention
Vascular Center "IMEA ÑÑ", Kosice1,
The Slovak Republic
HSEE "Uzhgorod National University"2,
East Slovak Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases "VUSCH"3,
P.I. Safarik University, medical faculty, Kosice4,
The Slovak Republic
p. 631-636 of the original issue
B.S. Sukovatykh1, L.N. Belikov2, M.B. Sukovatykh1, D.V. Sidorov1, E.B. Inochodova
Femoropopliteal bypass by free autovenous graft below the knee-joint slot in the treatment of critical limb ischemia
SBEE HPE "Kursk State Medical University" 1,
RBME "Kursk City Clinical Emergency Hospital" 2,
The Russian Federation
p. 637-643 of the original issue
M.B. Ektova1, E.P. Burleva 1, S.J. Medvedeva 2, V.A. Bagin 3
A comparative assessment of the skin and wall restructuring of the saphenous vein in chronic venous disease classes C1 and C2
SBEE HPE "Ural State Medical University"1,
FSBES "Institute of Immunology and Physiology of Ural Branch of RAS",2
MAE "Municipal Hospital ¹ 40"3, Yekaterinburg,
The Russian Federation
p. 644-650 of the original issue
A.A. Zykin, N.A. Tenilin, A.A. Korytkin, S.A. Gerasimov
A new method for osteotomy of the tibia for axial deformity correction of the lower extremities
FSBE "Privolzhsky Federal Research Medical Centre" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
The Russian Federation
p. 651-657 of the original issue
I.A. Ilyin, V.T. Malkevich
Comparative evaluation of direct treatment results of esophageal cancer in different types of surgical interventions
SE "N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus", Minsk,
The Republic of Belarus
p. 658-665 of the original issue
V.V. Yaskevich¹, A.V. Marochkov²
Paravertebral blocks as a component of anesthetic management of breast cancer surgery
ME "Bobruisk Interdistrict Oncologic Dispensary"¹,
ME "Mogilev regional hospital"²,
The Republic of Belarus
p. 666-672 of the original issue
À.À. Glukhov 1, M.V. Aralova2
Pathophysiology of persistent chronic wounds and current methods of stimulation of wound process
SBEE HPE "Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko",1
BEH "Voronezh regional clinical hospital N1"2,
The Russian Federation
p. 673-679 of the original issue
A.A. Tretyakov1, S.V. Petrov1, A.N. Neverov1, A.F. Shchetinin1
Treatment of purulent wounds
SBEE HPE "Orenburg State Medical University"1
The Russian Federation
p. 680-687 of the original issue
S.I. Kirilenko, S.A. Kryzh, A.A. Litvin, V.V. Rozhin
Dysphagia as a result of esophageal compression by the cervical osteophytes
ME "Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital",
The Republic of Belarus
p. 688-692 of the original issue
A.M. Tyshchenko1, E.V. Mushenko1, R.M. Smachylo2
Changes in treatment tactics of acute pancreatitis according to revised Atlanta classification - 2012
SE "V.T. Zaytsev Institute of General and Urgent Surgery of National AMS of Ukraine" 1, Kharkov
Kharkov National Medical University2
p. 693-701 of the original issue
S.A. Sushkou, Y.S. Nebylitsin
Slavic Venous Forum Vitebsk, May, 28-29, 2015
Slavic Venous Forum Vitebsk, May, 28-29, 2015
p. 702-714 of the original issue