Year 2015 Vol. 23 No 6




SBEE HPE "Orenburg State Medical University"1
The Russian Federation

The number of patients with acute purulent diseases of the soft tissues hasn’t reduced and tends to rise, accounting for 35-40% of all surgical patients. The success of the surgical treatment of acute purulent diseases of soft tissues depends on radical surgical aids, performed with adequate anesthesia. Drainage of wound fluid is an factor important to successful wound healing in the incisional period. The use of antibiotics is included in a comprehensive treatment of patients with acute purulent surgical infection. The development of current methods of active treatment is related to the revision of the main points of the classical incision-drainage method and changing the very nature of the operation itself. They envisage a targeted radical surgery in the site of supportive focus to provide the effective and adequate drainage so as completely different, more aggressive therapy of purulent wounds in the inflammatory and regeneration phases. Any drainage system requires some special conditions. The necessity for early and rapid closing of purulent wound led to the search and creation of conditions for sutures and skin plasty. A new perspective way to overcome antibiotic resistance is considered to use probiotics. Another new direction in solving the issue of the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes of different localization is the inclusion of neuropeptides such as hypothalamic nanopeptid (oxytocin) in a comprehensive treatment.

Keywords: purulent wounds, surgical treatment, treatment tactics, drainage, resistance to antibiotics, probiotics, neuropeptides
p. 680-687 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
460000, Russian Federation,
Orenburg, ul. Sovetskaya d. 6,
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tel. office: 7 3532 34-92-71,
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Petrov Sergey Valentinovich
Information about the authors:
Tretyakov A.A. MD, professor, a head of the surgery chair of "Orenburg State Medical University".
Petrov S.V. PhD, an assistant of the surgery chair of "Orenburg State Medical University".
Neverov A.N. PhD, an associate professor of the surgery chair of "Orenburg State Medical University".
Shchetinin A.F. PhD, an associate professor of the surgery chair of "Orenburg State Medical University".
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