Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 6




EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To study the effects of recombinant interleukin-2 on structural changes in the small intestine wall in experimental generalized purulent peritonitis.
Methods. The experiment was carried out on 40 male rabbits divided into the following groups: intact (n=5); 6-hour peritonitis without surgical treatment (n=5); control (n=15) – surgical treatment of peritonitis; main (n=15) – surgical treatment of peritonitis with the use of the recombinant interleukin-2 – roncoleukin for postoperative peritonitis. In the postoperative period the main group of animals intravenously injected roncoleukin in a dose of 10 000 IU/kg twice daily within 5-days. Tissue samples of the small intestine were morphologically examined by light microscopy.
Results. The expressed inflammatory and destructive changes in the small intestine wall in 6 hours after induction of peritonitis have been revealed. Disturbances of blood and lymph circulation, destruction of villi of mucous coat, dystrophic and necrotic changes in muscular coat testified to the early terms of enteral insufficiency development in generalized purulent peritonitis. In the postoperative period after laparotomy, sanitation of the abdominal cavity and decompression of the small intestine the morphological picture of pathological disturbances of the structure of the small intestine coats had no accurate tendency to improvement.
Conclusion. Development of experimental generalized purulent peritonitis is accompanied by the expressed early changes of the structure of the small intestine wall leading to the colonization resistance disturbance caused the intestinal paresis and its transformation to the infection reservoir.
Traditional surgery doesn't stop the progressing of the pathological process in the small intestine continuing to expand in the postoperative period.
In case of peritonitis intravenous administration of recombinant interleukin-2 has direct effects on the inflammatory process course in the small intestine and prevents the development of destructive processes in its tissues. The data obtained allow considering this property when administering the drug in treatment of generalized purulent peritonitis.

Keywords: generalized purulent peritonitis, small intestine, structural changes, inflammation, immune system, interleukin-2, roncoleukin
p. 643-648 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
210023, Respublika Belarus, g. Vitebsk, pr-t Frunze, d. 27,
UO «Vitebskiy gosudarstvennyiy
meditsinskiy universitet», kafedra gospitalnoy khirurgii
s kursami urologii i detskoy khirurgii,
tel. mob.: 375 296 24 20 76,
Kosinets Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Information about the authors:
Kosinets V.A. MD, professor of the hospital surgery chair with courses of urology and pediatric surgery of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023