Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 5




EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”,
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To determine the effectiveness of the miltimodal treatment of pyogenic wounds depending on the ability of the isolated pathogen to form biofilm.
Methods. During the research, the comprehensive examination and treatment of 48 patients with pyogenic-inflammatory processes of soft tissues have been conducted in the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Infection in Surgery” on the basis of the pyogenic surgery department of ME “Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital” during the period of 2012-2014. The control group patients (n=31) were subjected to a standard treatment, the main group patients (n=17) received the suggested integrated treatment of the pyogenic wounds taking into account the ability of pathogens to form biofilm based on the application of the vacuum-instillation therapy with the dimeksid solution as a rinsing liquid. There were no reliable differences in age, sex as well as in nosologic forms of diseases in the investigated groups.
Results. Antiseptics widely used in clinical practice have been studied. Dimeksid, inol, isopropyl alcohol destroied the biofilm most intensively. These antiseptics are considered to be recommended for treatment of wounds, associated with pathogens capable to form biofilm. Statistically significant reduction term of the clearance wound, the appearance of granulation tissue, the marginal epithelialization beginning and the length of treatment in the patients underwent the miltimodal treatment of the pyogenic wounds according to the worked out method have been revealed.
Conclusion. The performed research has proved the efficacy of the suggested method of pyogenic wounds treatment taking into account the ability of some pathogens to form biofilm. The application of proposed method can reduce treatment terms of patients with pyogenic wounds by 6 days (p=0,03).

Keywords: surgical infection, chronic and acute wounds, biofilm
p. 575-581 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
210023 Respublika Belarus,
g. Vitebsk, pr.Frunze, d.
27, UO «Vitebskiy
meditsinskiy universitet»,
kafedra khirurgii FPK i PK.
tel. mob.: 375 29-591-21-70,
Plotnikov Filipp Viktorovich
Information about the authors:
Plotnikov F.V., post-graduate student of the surgery chair of the advanced training faculty and retraining of the personnel of EE “Vitebsk State Medical University”.
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