Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 5




Objectives. To study biophen and mexidol influence on the reparative osteogenesis in the experimental animals after polytrauma modeling
Methods. The study was carried out on 57 laboratory rats. Noble-Collip method was used with an additional formation of the shin fracture in rats. The animals were subdivided into three groups. The first group was a control one (no pharmacological correction was performed). The second group was treated with biophen. The third group was treated with mexidol. In 2,3,4 week periods the animals were taken out from the experiment with the excision of the shin fracture place for a histological study.
Results. Use of biophen and mexidol for osteogenesis stimulation is characterized by a higher area of a cartilaginous and cancellous tissue, bone marrow on the 2nd week of the experiment. On the 3rd and 4th week of the study the area of the cartilaginous tissue decreased and the area of the cancellous bone increased compared with the control animals.
Conclusions. Use of biophen and mexidol causes more evident processes of the regeneration of bone tissue in the area of a fracture compared with the control group animals.

Keywords: reparative osteogenesis, polytrauma, mexidol, biophen
p. 17 – 2217 of the original issue
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