Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 5




EE “Belarusian State Medical University”
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To evaluate the level of knowledge of surgeons who work in the establishments of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and deal with the problems of pathogenesis and treatment of battle surgical trauma.
Methods. Analysis data of testing results of 270 surgeons of the establishments of Ministry of Health are presented in the article.
Results. Insufficient level of knowledge on this problem among surgeons has been established in 3 cases (2-4) (Me (25%-75%)) out of 10 possible. Individual parameters of surgeons (work expe-rience, qualification category, restricted specialization, clinical residency) as well as place of employment (the level of establishment of Public health care and its location) haven’t any statistically significant impact on the knowledge level of this problem.
Conclusions. It is necessary to bring changes in the system of surgeons’ training in our country to improve the quality of medical aid rendering to victims of extreme situations.

Keywords: surgery of catastrophe, gunshot wounds, training of surgeons
p. 111 - 115 of the original issue

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7. Trukhan AP, Zhidkov SA, Korik VE. Osobennosti obrashcheniia za meditsinskoi pomoshch'iu postradavshikh pri terroristicheskom akte 11 aprelia 2011 goda [The specificity of treatment of victims of a terrorist attack April 11, 2011]. Ekstr Meditsina. 2012;(2):56–62.

Address for correspondence:
220034, Respublika Belarus, g. Minsk, ul. Azgura, d. 4, UO «Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyiy meditsinskiy universitet», voenno-meditsinskiy fakultet, kafedra voenno-polevoy hirurgii
Truhan Aleksey Petrovich
Information about the authors:
Trukhan A.P. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Major of Medical Service, Assistant of Military –Field Surgery Chair of The Military Medicine Faculty of EE "Belarusian State Medical University."
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023