Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 5




State Budgetary Educational Establishment OF HIGHER Professional Education “Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.Rasumovsky”, Saratov,
The Russian Federation

Objectives. To develop an algorithm of surgical treatment tactics of benign tumors and tumor-like processes of long bones permitting to restore the integrity of a bone and limb function.
Methods. 184 children with benign tumors and tumor-like diseases were under observation; they were subjected to different types of resection within healthy tissues. Various types of osteoplastic material in combination with fixation of the damaged segment in different ways were used. In addition, computer simulation of the axial load on the long tubular bone defects with different localization and size was carried out.
Results. The performed computer simulation shows that presence of the bone defect in its size 1/3 larger than the length of the diaphysis circle and 25% bigger than the bone length weakens the bone toughness so that at usual physiological load on a limb, a pathological break in the defect zone may occur.
On the basis of analysis results, we developed an algorithm for treatment tactics selection, taking into account the nature of the pathological process, the size and location of the resulting bone defect. It was determined that patients operated on using the developed algorithm, in spite of the greater volume of the present defect, rehabilitation period was 15-18% shorter if compared with patients in whom continuous external plaster immobilization was applied and early motor load was not realized.
Conclusions. Differential use in children with post-resection bone defects of osteoplastic materials and preventive osteosynthesis gives the most favorable clinical results with maximally early activation of patients and preservation of a usual life style of a patient during treatment.

Keywords: benign tumors, bone defect, bone grafting, treatment algorithm, computer simulation
p. 91 -99 of the original issue

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Address for correspondence:
410002, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, g. Saratov, ul. Chernyishevskogo, d. 148, FGU «Saratovskiy NII travmatologii i ortopedii Rosmedtehnologiy», kafedra travmatologii i ortopedii,
Petrova Ekaterina Gennadievna
Information about the authors:
Morozov V.P. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Traumatology and Orthopedics Chair of SBEE HPE “Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.Rasumovsky”
Petrova E.G. Post-Graduate Student of Traumatology and Orthopedics Chair of SBEE HPE “Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.Rasumovsky”
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