Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 5




ME “Mogilev regional hospital”,
The Republic of Belarus

Electrical defibrillation is considered to be an integral part of modern resuscitation. Despite the electrical defibrillators have appeared comparatively recently, their development was preceded by centuries of knowledge accumulation concerning electricity and its impact on a living organism. Even at the dawn of electrical phenomena study, many scientists had the idea of reviving the dead individual by the help of electricity. Thanks to the discovery of defibrillation this utopian idea was to some extent feasible. The widespread application of defibrillators in medical practice since the late 1950s has allowed the mankind to move a step closer to its eternal goal of victory over death.
The aim of the work is to highlight the key events on the thorny path of defibrillation development. Collecting the material it was found out that in the literature outstanding contributions of many Soviet scientists in the creation of a modern defibrillator were hushed up, therefore an important objective of this article was to restore historical justice in this matter.

Keywords: history of medicine, defibrillation, Gurvich N.L., defibrillator
p. 513-525 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
212022, Respublika Belarus,
g. Mogilev, ul. B. Biruli, d. 20,
UZ «Mogilevskaya oblastnaya bolnitsa»,
otdelenie po koordinatsii zabora organov i tkaney
dlya transplantatsii,
tel. office: 375 222 27-87-39,
Ladzeyeu Andrei Yurevich
Information about the authors:
Ladzeyeu A.Y. An anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the department on coordination of sampling of organs and tissues for transplantation of ME “Mogilev Regional Hospital”. Marochkov A.V. MD, professor, a head of the anesthesia and resuscitation department of ME “Mogilev Regional Hospital”.
Dzmitryieva V.N. An anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the department on coordination of sampling of organs and tissues for transplantation of ME “Mogilev Regional Hospital”. Shumskaia O.V. A nurse-anesthesiologist of the anesthesia and resuscitation department of ME “Mogilev Regional Hospital”.
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