Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 4




Objectives. To compare the efficacy and safety of warfarin and dabigatran in the treatment of the venous thromboembolism.
Methods. The analysis of complex examination and treatment of 55 patients suffering from the venous thromboembolism has been accomplished. All the patients were randomized into two groups. 30 patients were enrolled into the first (control) group where therapy was started with heparin during 7 days and was followed by 6 month warfarin therapy. The second (investigated) group included 25 patients who received dabigatran etaxilate instead of warfarin.
Results. There was no recurrence of the disease in the first group. One patient (4%) in the second group had recurrence of the disease due to inherent thrombophylia and resistance to anticoagulant therapy. There were complications of anticoagulant therapy in 20% of patients in the first and in 16% of patients in the second group respectively. In two years of follow up signs of chronic venous iniufficiency (CVI) were absent in 36,7% of patients from the first and in 40% of patients in the second group respectively. The degree of CVI in both groups was the same.
Conclusions. The efficacy of dabigatran is the same as of warfarin. But dabigatran has a number of advantages. They include predictable action; it doesnt need a control of hemostatic system and dose option; it is used in standardized doses. dabigatran, warfarin, venous thromboembolism

Keywords: dabigatran, warfarin, venous thromboembolism
p. 55 – 62 of the original issue
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