Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 4




Objectives. To study the lipid exchange peculiarities and changes in all the internal organs in the postoperative period in experimental animals after gastrectomy.
Methods. The experiment was carried out on 150 white rats after gastrectomy. In the postoperative period all animals were divided into 3 groups according to the nutritional support option: 1 – feeding was provided by the preparation «Enteral»; 2 – feeding was limited to only 0,9% sodium chloride solution; 3 – no feeding at all was given – control. Survival rate, general condition, body mass dynamics, biochemical, hematologic parameters and morphological changes of the internal organs were evaluated.
Results. On the background of changes in the lipid exchange parameters, histological changes in the liver of the operated animals were revealed since the liver is the chief organ of lipid metabolism (cholesterol, phospholipids, triglycerides, lipoproteins).
Conclusions. The experiment results testify to the necessity of early correction of latent degenerative changes in the liver tissue in the postoperative period after the operations on the stomach and duodenum; these changes development hasn’t clear biochemical markers. These changes in the liver can be minimized by introducing the preparation «Enteral» in the postoperative period.

Keywords: gastrectomy, enteral tube feeding, lipid exchange disturbance, morphological picture, liver fatty dystrophy
p. 23-30 of the original issue
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