Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 4




Strategy realization of the formation of the risk groups based on the genetic predisposition to malignant new growths, their subsequent monitor supervision, with use of modern methods of visualization of the pathological formations, molecular-genetic methods of diagnostics – is one of the most perspective directions of modern oncology. The article is devoted to new approaches to the organization of malignant new growths detection particularly of the colorectal cancer at its early stages.
By means of the survey the family anamnesis has been collected of more than 10706 patients, including 401 patients during the hospital screening. To study clinical and molecular peculiarities of the inherited colorectal cancer 865 patients (47,2%) have been selected from the total number 1833 of colorectal cancer patients. Selection of the patients in the main group has been performed with the help of the computer system “Diagnostic informative-analytical system “inherited tumors”, which is based on the principle of calculation of the individual risks for malignant new growths development. The conducted research shows that the designed computer system permits to increase up to 52,2% the incidence of men’s relevance who relate to the inherited non-polypous colorectal syndromes.

Keywords: inherited non-polypous colonic cancer, clinical signs, prevalence
p. 107 – 117 of the original issue
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