Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 4




Objectives. To determine the interrelation of the corneal epithelium morphofunctional state with its epithelization duration at bacterial keratitis of various etiology.
Methods. 54 patients with bacterial keratitis were being observed. The patients have been divided into two groups: the 1 group – a primary bacterial keratitis (n=21), the 2 group – a secondary bacterial keratitis (n=33).
For determination of the cellular structure and the corneal epithelium morphofunctional state impression cytology was used. Light microscopy and photoregistration of cellular samples were carried out on the microscope Leica DM2500. Morphometry was carried out by means of Leica Application Suite software.
To define the interrelation of the corneal epithelium morphofunctional state with its epithelization duration the correlation analysis was performed with the application of Spearman criterion using electronic packages «STATISTICA 6.0».
Results. It has been established that duration of corneal epithlisation is directly connected with morphofunctional state of the epithelium and depends on a quantitative parity of basal epithelial cells (BEC) and epithelial cells with nuclear pyknosis kernels (ECPN).
Conclusions. The morphofunctional state of the corneal epithelium in perifocal and paralimbal zones at bacterial keratitis testifies objectively to the current of an inflammatory process in the cornea and reflects epithelium’s reparative ability.

Keywords: bacterial keratitis, morphofunctional state, epithelization, corneal epithlization factor
p. 97-104 of the original issue
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