Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 4




The results of trophic ulcers combined treatment in case of chronic venous insufficiency are presented in the report. 187 patients with terminal chronic venous insufficiency admitted to Gomel region vascular surgery department in 2001-2005 were studied. The results of surgical, conservative and combined treatment were analyzed. Microbiological study of ulcer content was performed in all patients and antibacterial medicines resistance was revealed. Incidence of staphylococcus aureus was detected in 163 patients (87, 3%) and streptococcus aerugenosa - in 65 (34, 6% cases). Appearance of other microorganisms such as proteus vulgaris etc. was rare (up to 1, 6 %). The terms of ulcer healing in the patients after surgical treatment were 12±1, 2 weeks and in the patients who received conservative therapy - 60±1, 1 week. Management order of terminal chronic venous insufficiency combined complex treatment has been determined.

Keywords: chronic venous insufficiency, antibiotic therapy, microorganisms, combined treatment.
p. 81 - 85 of the original issue
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