Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 3



The schemes and methods of post-operative rehabilitation of the patients with the rotator shoulder cuff pathology are represented in the article. Two periods were singled out in the process of rehabilitation: immobilization and reconstructive treatment itself. The first period includes the methods of treating the patients with the external immobilization of the shoulder joint, elimination of the pain syndrome and active kinesotherapy till the expiry of motionless period. The second period includes the methods of supra-scapular nerve blockages and subacromial blockage; schemes of the shoulder joint mechanotherapy. The traditional physiotherapeutic procedures used for this purpose aren’t very effective in shortening the period of rehabilitation and disability, that’s why mechanoapparatuses were worked out in the clinic to improve the system of the patients’ rehabilitation. The schemes of passive, active-passive and active kinesotherapy with the application of apparatuses and devices designed in the clinic are represented in details. It’s concluded that carrying out patients’ rehabilitation after restorative surgeries on the rotator shoulder cuff contributes to prevention of the shoulder girdle and upper arm muscle hypotrophy, considerably increases rehabilitation treatment effectiveness, cuts down its duration and leads to the reduction of temporary disability period.

Keywords: shoulder rotator cuff pathology, operative treatment, rehabilitation
p. 42 - 50 of the original issue
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