Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 3




FSAE HE "Belgorod National Research University"1,
Municipal City Hospital ¹1 2 The Russian Federation

Objectives. To assess dynamics of the wound healing process in white Wistar rats using bioactive sorption-gel formulations.
Methods. The experimental animals were divided into five groups in according to the performed treatment. In the first group 0,9% NaCl was used for wound cleansing. In the second group the water extract of Thymus serpylum was used. In the third group the complex treatment scheme was applied: in the first stage of wound healing the rats were treated by the powder of purified clay containing montmorillonite (MCC); in the second stage – by gel of MCC. In the fourth group the complex scheme of dressing was the following: in the first phase – a dry form of MCC modified by the extract of Thymus serpylum (phytomineral sorbent), in the second phase – gel form of phytomineral sorbent (PMS). In the fifth group the wound dressings were carried with gel form of PMS, throughout the whole period of wound healing process.
Results. The performed studies established that in rats of the III, IV and V groups wound healing was more intensive and treatment terms were 7 days less. In animals of the III and IV groups scrap from healthy tissues got off easily, granulation and epithelialization of the wound surface developed. In the group of rats, where dressings were carried out with the gel PMS throughout the period, less noticeable scar formed. By the 13th days it should be noted that the surface of the wound area in rats of groups III and IV significantly decreased by 73,2 and 81,7%, respectively, indicating the active regeneration of tissues.
Conclusion. The performed research has proved the effectiveness of the application of pyoinflammatory in the complex treatment wounds with PMS: in the first phase – with a dry form, in second phase – with the gel form of MCC.

Keywords: purulent wound, wound process, wound healing, treatment of wounds, phytomineral sorbent, montmorillonite containing clay, pathogenesis of the wound defect
p. 222-226 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
308015, Russian Federation,
Belgorod, ul. Pobedyi, d. 85,
FGAO VO "Belgorodskiy natsionalnyiy issledovatelskiy universitet",
kafedra biohimii,
tel. 7 (4722) 30-21-35,
Krut Ulyana Aleksandrovna
Information about the authors:
Lucenko V.D. MD, professor, a head of the general surgery chair with the course of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of FSAE HE "Belgorod National Research University".
Shaposhnikov A.A. BD, professor, a head of biochemistry chair of FSAE HE “Belgorod National Research University”.
Krut U.A. A post-graduate student, an assistant of biochemistry chair of FSAE HE "Belgorod National Research University".
Magolin G.F. A technician of the general surgery chair with the course of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of FSAE HE "Belgorod National Research University".
Luhanina E.M. A physician, head of the clinical-diagnostic laboratory of the Municipal City Clinical Hospital ¹1.
Ivanchikova K.N. A student of the medical and pediatrics faculty of FSAE HE "Belgorod National Research University".
Shevchenko T.S. PhD of biological sciences, senior lecturer of biochemistry chair of FSAE HE "Belgorod National Research University".
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