Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 3




FSBE HPE "Ulyanovsk State University",
The Institute of Medicine, Ecology and Physical Culture¹, Ulyanovsk,
SME "Lipetsk Regional Oncology Center"², Lipetsk,
The Russian Federatio

Objectives. To develop a method for creating ureteral-intestinal anastomosis which lets to provide the impermeability, sufficient valve function of anastomosis, to prevent reflux, to reduce the early and late postoperative complications.
Methods. The study of the results of anastomosis formation on Chinchilla rabbits (n=12) of both sexes had been conducted within 14 days. In the 1st series of experiments on 6 rabbits the ureteral-intestinal anastomosis was performed by the Bricker method. During the 2nd series on 6 rabbits anastomosis was performed by the proposed method. The assessment of valve function of the ureteral-intestinal anastomosis was performed on the isolated preparation of the ureteral-intestinal anastomosis formed by the proposed method and by the Bricker method on the 7th and 14th days after the surgery as well as the removal of rabbits from the experiment.
Results. It was established that in the 2nd series of the experiment intraoperatively after the formation of the ureteral-intestinal anastomosis, bleeding and excretion of urine in the area of the anastomosis were not observed. The pressure at which reflux occurred in the isolated preparation of the ureteral-intestinal anastomosis formed by the Bricker method, made up 58,3±12,2 cm of water column; and by the proposed method it was 75,6±5,4 cm of water column. After 7 days in the macroscopic and microscopic examination the anastomosis failure was revealed in the 1st series of the experiment (n=2), on the 7th and 14th days in the anastomosis area the inflammatory process with the swelling and infiltration of the surrounding tissues, deformation, sequestration of ligatures was obserrved in other animals in this series.
In the 2nd series of the experiment, anastomosis failure was not observed; 7 days afterwards a moderate hyperemia, fibrin formation, lack of deformation in the anastomosis area were determined, 14 days later – the lack of evidence of inflammation, epithelialization of the anastomosis area were detected. The granulation tissue developed in the muscle membrane.
Conclusion. The proposed method of forming an anastomosis creates invaginative ureteral-intestinal anastomosis with sufficient integrity and more effective valve function.

Keywords: bladder cancer, ureteral-intestinal anastomosis, postoperative complications, vesicoureteral reflux, urethral strictures, sufficient integrity, effective valve function
p. 217-221 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
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tel. mob.: 79510966093,
Charyshkin Aleksey Leonidovich
Information about the authors:
Charyshkin A.L. MD, a head of the faculty surgery chair of FSBE HPE "Ulyanovsk State University", the Institute of Medicine, Ecology and Physical culture.
Matorkin D.A. A head of the operative unit of SME "Lipetsk Regional Oncology Center", applicant of the faculty surgery chair of FSBE HPE "Ulyanovsk State University", the Institute of Medicine, Ecology and Physical Culture.
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