Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 3




Ultrasound of the soft tissues state and hemodynamics at the secondary upper limbs lymphedema in the oncological patients is carried out. High efficacy of the method for the limbs lymphedema diagnostics is ascertained. Measurements of the soft tissues thickness, estimation of their echogenic character and layers differentiation, determining intertissue liquid inclusions and the cubital joint examination permit to determine the degree and the stage of the post mastectomy edema and the degree of soft tissues fibrosis. By means of Doppler study it is found out that at the limb lymphedema 47,5% women have evident signs of venous insufficiency, 22,5% women have indirect signs such as an increase of the average blood flow rate.
It is possible to speak about rehabilitation treatment efficacy grounding on the decrease of tissue layer thickness between the skin and muscles as well as tissues between the skin and visual surface of the bone, change of echogenic character, contrast improvement and tissues differentiation, decrease or disappearance of intertissue liquid inclusions, decrease or change of the exudation character in the cubital joint region. Indexes of the arterial blood flow: maximal average blood flow rate, peripheral resistance index and thickness of intima-media evaluated in dynamics can be regarded as hemodynamic indexes of rehabilitation treatment efficacy.

Keywords: breast cancer, upper limb lymphedema, post mastectomy edema, haemodynamics, lymphedema, ultrasound, color Doppler mapping
p. 127 - 136 of the original issue
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