Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 3




State Medical University, Semey
The Republic of Kazakhstan

Objectives. To assess the effectiveness of hernia sac repair by the worked out method for recurrent inguinal, inguinal and scrotal hernias.
Methods. The surgical treatment analysis of patients (n=77) with recurrent inguinal and inguinal-scrotal hernias was carried out. 26 patients made up the main group (MG). The hernial sac is closely adhered to his spermatic cord; the developed technique of the hernia sac repair was applied. The clinical comparison (CCI) included 51 patients. In the GCS the hernia sac was treated in a conventional manner with suturing, ligation and excision in the neck area. To evaluate the surgical treatment effectiveness of patients of MG and CCI the following criteria were used: the processing time of the hernia sac, the incidence of postoperative complications and recurrences. The results were evaluated after 1-3 years of follow-up.
Results. The mean duration of hernia sac repair in patients with recurrent and complex inguinal hernias requiring to relegate the hernia sac from the elements of the spermatic cord was 23,8±3,9 min in the CCI and – 19,3±2,6 min – in MG. The difference between the duration of hernia repair in the two groups was reliable (p<0,05), no significant difference in the frequency of complications between groups was observed. Recurrence of the disease in the long-term period per time of observation (1-3 years) was not occurred.
Conclusion. The worked out hernia sac repair technique aimed to reduce traumatism and intervention time can be widely used in surgical treatment of inguinal hernias. The proposed method of treatment of hernia sac at oblique inguinal hernia is considered to be justified in all cases when hernia sac is in dense adhesion with spermatic cord. The technique allows reducing the number of early postoperative complications in oblique inguinal hernias. The method is considered to be easily performed and it reduces surgical time.

Keywords: inguinal hernia, hernia sac, spermatic cord, tension-free, hernioplasty, postoperative complications, surgical time
p. 285-289 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
071400, Republic of Kazakhstan,
Semey, ul. Sechenova d. 1 a,
Meditsinskiy Tsentr Gosudarstvennogo
Meditsinskogo Universiteta g. Semey,
kafedra internaturyi po khirurgii,
tel. mob.: 7-707-332-00-84,
Raimkhanov Aydar Duysenovich
Information about the authors:
Raimkhanov A.D. A student of the clinical internship chair in surgery of State Medical University.
Aymagambetov M.Z. MD, an associate professor of the clinical internship chair in surgery of State Medical University.
Asylbekov E.M. PhD, a head of the surgery department of the Medical Center of State Medical University.
Omarov N.B. An assistant of the clinical internship chair in surgery of State Medical University.
Zhagniyev Z.Y. An intern of the clinical internship chair in surgery of State Medical University.
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