Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 3



66 girls at the age of 6-15 with chronic granular cystitis were examined by us. These children were divided into 2 groups: the control group of the traditional therapy (antibacterial therapy, 0, 01% chlorgexydine solution instillation, physiotherapy) which included 46 children and the research group of immunocorrection (traditional therapy+ Licopid + instillation of Roncoleukin) - 40 children. It was established, that chronic granular cystitis in 55, 8% patients was caused by atypical flora. More rapid regression of clinical signs and normalization of the bladder mucosa were found in the research group of children. What concerns the immune system, the increase of the indicators and achievement of normative meanings of CD3+, CD4+, CD3, IgA (р<0,05) were observed, and in the control group these data had left on rather low levels.

Keywords: chronic granular cystitis, etiopathogenetic therapy, licopid, roncoleukin
p. 81 - 87 of the original issue
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