Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 3



The general proteolytic activity (GPА) and activity of a1-antiproteinases inhibitor (АPI), a2-macroglobulin (MG), cysteinic proteinases inhibitor (ICP) in the blood serum and peritoneal fluid have been analyzed in 35 healthy women, in 20 patients with plural localization of the external endometriosis, in 10 – with small forms of the external endometriosis and in 13 patients with pelvic adhesions associated with infertility (PAAI). . Proteolytic system activity in case of endometriosis has been disturbed, mainly because of inhibitor potential. In all research groups API was higher, than in healthy, the MG and ICP, on the contrary – were reduced. Expressiveness of these disturbances didn’t depend on the amount and size of endometriosis foci. At PAAI the activity of proteolytic system differed from healthy owing to АPI and MG. API activity at PAAI was stimulated, MG was depressed. For the first time the presence of proteolytic and inhibitor activity in the peritoneal fluid was revealed in case of gynecological pathology. API changes in peritoneal fluid were opposite to the changes in the blood serum.

Keywords: endometriosis, infertility, tubal-peritoneal factor, peritoneal fluid, proteolytic system activity
p. 74 -80 of the original issue
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