Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 2




SBEE HPE “Samara State Medical University”,
The Russian Federation

Objectives. To improve treatment results of patients with medium severe and severe degrees of nonspecific ulcerous colitis by including endolymphatic antibacterial and immunostimulating therapy in the medical complex.
Methods. 95 patients with severe and medium severe forms of nonspecific ulcerous colitis aggravation were included into the research. Patients were divided into two groups. The first group included 50 patients in whom a complex treatment of nonspecific ulcerous colitis was completed by endolymphatic and immunostimulating therapy. The second group (45 patients) was treated in a standard way.
Results. Clinical-endoscopic, laboratory and morphological studies as well as microbiological examination of the colon mucosa tissue biopsy proved the efficacy of endolymphatic and immunostimulating therapy in the conservative treatment of patients with nonspecific ulcerous colitis aggravation.
Conclusions. Application of endolymphatic and immunostimulating therapy for treatment of patients with nonspecific ulcerous colitis aggravation at medium severe and severe forms is pathogenetically justified and effective.

Keywords: nonspecific ulcerous colitis, conservative treatment, endolymphatic therapy
p. 49 – 54 of the original issue

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Address for correspondence:
443079, Rossiiskaia Federatsiia, g. Samara, pr. Karla Marksa, 165 «b», Kliniki Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta, kafedra gospital'noi khirurgii,
Andreev Pavel Sergeevich
Information about the authors:
Zhukov B.N., doctor of medical sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of Russia, a head of the chair of hospital surgery of SBEE HPE "Samara State Medical University», Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation.
Isaev V.R., doctor of medical sciences, professor of the hospital surgery chair of SBEE HPE "Samara State Medical University», Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation.
Andreev P.S., a physician-coloproctologist, post-graduate student of the hospital surgery chair of SBEE HPE "Samara State Medical University», Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation.
Katorkin S.E., candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the hospital surgery chair of SBEE HPE "Samara State Medical University», Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation
Chernov A.A., candidate of medical sciences, a head of the coloproctology department of clinics of SBEE HPE "Samara State Medical University», Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023