Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 2




EE "Belarusian State Medical University",
The Republic of Belarus

Objectives. To determine the features of the clinical course of postoperative inflammatory reaction in the region of implants in patients associated with Helicobacter pylori.
Methods. The patients (n=98; aged 20−48) with partial secondary edentia subjected to installation of dental implants were under observation. All patients were examined for Helicobacter pylori in the endoscopy department. A standard Helpil-test of the tissues biopsy of gastric mucosa taken at esophagogastroduodenoscopy was applied. All examined patients were carried out the dynamic monitoring on the following terms: on the 7th and 14th days and in 4 months after the dental implantation.
Results. In 46 (47%) patients the course of the postoperative period and the osseointegration of implants were without any peculiarities. During the comparative analysis the result of the degree of the contamination of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori in this group of patients had the minimum value (++) in 36 (37%) patients and the medium value (+++) was observed in 10 (10%) patients. Periimplantitis and disintegration of dental implant occured in 6 (6%) patients with a high degree of Helicobacter pylori contamination of the stomach (++++). The failure of sutures, the presence of fistula with purulent discharge, the mobility and disintegration of dental implants had been observed in 4 (4%) patients.
Conclusion. On the basis of the obtained results it’s possible to make the conclusion concerning the presence of certain correlation of the pathological process in the bone tissue of the jaw, immediately adjacent to the dental implant and the nature of the carriage of Helicobacter pylori infection in the examined patients. This indicates the necessity of forming of dispensary groups including the patients of this category (risk factors for periimplantitis) concerning Helicobacter pylori and conduction of individual preventive measures.

Keywords: periimplantitis, mucositis, Helicobacter pylori, inflammation, preventive measures, dispensary observation, risk factors for periimplantitis
p. 157-161 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
220017, Republic of Belarus,
Minsk, pr. Dzerzhinskogo d. 83,
Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyiy meditsinskiy universitet,
kafedra khirurgicheskoy stomatologii,
tel. office: 37517254-32-44,,
Pohodenko-Chudakova Irina Olegovna
Information about the authors:
Shevela T.L. PhD, an associate professor of the surgical dentistry chair of EE "Belarusian State Medical University".
Pohodenko-Chudakova I.O. MD, professor, a head of the surgical dentistry chair of EE "Belarusian State Medical University".
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023