Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 2




Thromboembolic complications (TEC) in the surgical practice often develop after surgical interventions, determining the course and outcome of a disease not only in the nearest but also in the distant period. The majority of these complications can be easily prevented by performing timely prophylactic actions. Besides surgeons may deal with patients who had deep veins thrombosis and pulmonary artery thromboembolism. To take into account the risk degree for each concrete patient it is necessary to know risk factors for TEC development and mechanisms of their forming. Laboratory investigations may provide a sufficient aid. Modern level of laboratory diagnostics permits to get into delicate mechanisms of the blood coagulation even on the basis of a typical multi-profile hospital or policlinic. The number of investigations to estimate the hemostasis system has decreased in recent years and their information value has increased. The given publication which opens the series of seminars on the hemostasis system for clinicians includes the data on the mechanisms of thromb formation, programs of laboratory investigations for single clinical cases and nosologic forms as well as practical recommendations on the organization of work with patients. In the first section screening and accessory laboratory investigations, the main congenital and acquired risk factors of thrombi and embolisms and methods of their revelation are studied.

Keywords: thromboembolic complications, risk factors, hemostasis, laboratory diagnostics
p. 146-155 of the original issue
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  11. Современные аспекты консервативного лечения больных с лимфовенозной недостаточностью нижних конечностей / Б. Н. Жуков [и др.] // Вестн. хирургии. – 2009. – № 1. – С. 38-40.
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  16. Жуков, Б. Н. Медицинская реабилитация больных хронической венозной недостаточностью нижних конечностей: учебное пособие / Б. Н. Жуков, С. Е. Каторкин, Я. В. Сизоненко. – Самара: Самар. отд-ние Литфонда, 2009. – 166 с.
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