Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 2




Objectives. To improve treatment results of the patients with pyo-necrotic complications of diabetic foot by means of working out a differentiated tactics of the skin postoperative defects closing.
Methods. Epidermatoplasty was carried out in 79 patients using techniques of the local tissue plastics with free spitted autodermagraft, the combined method as well as using a special device to apply a continuous suture on the stump of the foot.
Results. The technique of the free autodermaplasty in the patients with the skin defects is the most effective. The best results were achieved at closing skin defects on the back and plantar surface of the foot. After the transmetatarsal amputation it is necessary to use the designed device to apply a continuous suture on the wound.
Conclusions. Epidermatoplasty permits to speed up the restoration of the supporting function of the limb, and this contributes to quicker physical and social rehabilitation of the patients.

Keywords: diabetic foot, transmetatarsal amputation, epidermatoplasty of the foot defects
p. 66 – 71 of the original issue
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