Year 2023 Vol. 31 No 1




Medical Institute FSEI HPE “Penza State University” 1,
SBHI “Penza Regional Clinical Hospital Named by. N.N. Burdenko” 2,
Russian Federation

Objective. To provide clinical examples of pilonidal cyst malignant transformation and to give recommendations on implementing oncological alertness in patients with long-term carriage of the epithelial coccygeal tract.
Methods. This publication describes two clinical cases of malignant transformation of the epithelial coccygeal tract. The surgical tactic consisted of a wide excision of formations within healthy tissues, together with fistulous openings and infiltratively changed soft tissues and skin over them in a single block up to the sacral fascia.
Results. Healing occurred by secondary intention. Histological examination showed «tumor-negative» resection margins, indicating an R0 resection was performed. The treatment carried out allowed for a satisfactory clinical result.
Discussion. Physicians should be aware of the possible malignant transformation of pilonidal disease, despite the rarity of this kind of complication.
Conclusion. Recommendations are given for implementing oncological alertness in patients with long-term carriage of pilonidal cysts.

Keywords: epithelial coccygeal passage, pilonidal disease, coccygeal cyst, pilonidal cancer, pilonidal carcinoma
p. 71-77 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
440026, Russian Federation,
Penza, Lermontova Str., 3,
Penza State University,
Medical Institute,
Department of Surgery,
Tel. : 8 902 354-04-68,
Sergatskiy Konstantin I.
Information about the authors:
Sergatskiy Konstantin Igorevich, MD, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Surgery, Medical Institute of FSBEE HE «Penza State University». Coloproctologist Department of Coloproctology SBME «Penza Regional Clinical Hospital named after N.N. Burdenko», Penza, Russian Federation.
Nikolsky Valery Isaakovich, MD, Professor, Professor of Department of Surgery, Medical Institute of FSBEE HE «Penza State University», Russia, Penza, Lermontova.
Mîkhammad Aljabr, Assistant of the Department of Surgery, Medical Institute, Penza State University, Penza, Russian Federation,
Malyakin Ivan V., Coloproctologist, Department of Coloproctology, Penza Regional Clinical Hospital. N.N. Burdenko”, Penza, Russian Federation.
Semenova Ekaterina Olegovna, 5th year Student of the Medical Institute of the Penza State University, Penza, Russian Federation.
Shanina Angelina Alexandrovna, 5th Year Student of the Medical Institute of Penza State University, Penza, Russian Federation.
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