Year 2023 Vol. 31 No 1




I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow,
Russian Federation

Nonparasitic cysts of the spleen are a rare pathology. The need for their surgical treatment is due to the development of complications, including suppuration, hemorrhage into the cyst cavity and its rupture. A 28-year-old patient with a spleen cyst measuring 8x9x9 cm underwent repeated microwave ablation with prior drainage of the cavity with proteolytic enzymes. An obturation of residual cavity of the cyst occured, the postoperative period was uneventful. In case of previous hemorrhage into the cyst cavity, 24 hours before MVA, the cavity should be drained in order to lyse the blood clot using proteolytic enzyme preparations.

Keywords: splenic cyst, navigational surgery, percutaneous puncture, microwave ablation, case report
p. 65-70 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
119435, Russian Federation,
Moscow, Bolshaya Pirogovskaya str., 6-1,
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University,
the Faculty Surgery Department No1,
tel.: +7 916 478-37-65,
Kirill F. Chernousov
Information about the authors:
Karpova Radmila V., MD, Professor of the Faculty Surgery Department No1, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Chernousov Kirill F., Post-Graduate Student, the Faculty Surgery Department No1, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Russkova Ksenia S., Student, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation.
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