Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 1




The article is devoted to intra- and post-operative complications which occur in surgical treatment of varicosity of the lower extremities. The complications during surgeries, which may develop not only on the superficial but on deep veins, are described. Particular attention is paid to intra-operative damages of arteries, deep veins and nerves. Pathological conditions which develop as the result of traumas of the lymphatic nodes and vessels are presented in details. The main causes, resulting in complications, are determined; the recommendations concerning their prevention and treatment tactics are given. It is accentuated that in the majority of cases complications are related to technical mistakes made during surgical intervention. Therefore, the main preventive measure is improving qualification of the surgeons which perform such surgeries.

Keywords: varicosity, surgical treatment, complications.
p. 140 – 151 of the original issue
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