Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 1




In torrid countries cataract is one of the prevailing ophthalmologic pathologies which are caused by geographical peculiarities of these territories. Cataracts which occur in various geographical conditions have essential differences. In mountain regions cataract develops at earlier age and mainly in males; it develops faster, the nucleus of the lens more often has dense brown composition, it’s larger in size and has less common phospholipids. Detected during surgical operations territorial peculiarities were not unexpected for the surgeons and permitted to avoid sudden complications during flap extraction (average visual acuity was 0, 51±0, 1). Clinical research of the postponed implantation on its transsclertal fixation in iridociliary area through the self-adapted cornea incision has been performed with transscleral fixating suture application provisionally on the adapted eye. The surgery hasn’t been followed by serious operative and post-operative complications; it permits to obtain rather good results. Visual acuity of 0.5 and higher after 6 months of observation has been achieved in 11 patients, from 0.3 to 0.4 – in 3 patients.

Keywords: cataract, geographical conditions, size of the lens nucleus, operative complications.
p. 80 - 86 of the original issue
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