Year 2007 Vol. 15 No 1




Despite highly informative modern methods of investigation (magneto resonant tomography, x-ray computer tomography, cerebral angiography, etc.) as well as wide application of antibacterial drugs of the latest generation in neurosurgery practice, the problem of diagnosing and treatment of intracranial abscesses is still one of the most complicated problems in modern medicine [1,2,3,6,11]. Neurotraumatism increase and appearance of antibiotic-resistant microorganism which have been cultivated in the stationeries hamper significantly the solution of the strategic and tactical problems in supervising the patients with pyo-inflammatory diseases of the brain and membranes. Clinical manifestations and course have also changed.
The overview of up-to-date literature as well as own materials have been presented in the article. The attempt is made to distinguish the differential-diagnostic verge between the brain abscess and intracranial empyemas.

Keywords: brain abscess, intracranial empyemas, differential diagnostics.
p. 73 - 79 of the original issue
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