Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 1




SBEE HPE "Kursk State Medical University" 1,
RBME "Kursk City Clinical Emergency Hospital" 2,
The Russian Federation

Objectives. Experimental substantiation of using immobilized form of sodium hypochlorite in treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis.
Methods. The results of application of immobilized form of sodium hypochlorite in treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis were analyzed based on the experimental model in Wistar rats. Animals were divided into 3 groups, 96 rats per each. Infected pancreatic necrosis was created by moving the pancreas in intermuscular space in the anterior abdominal wall, a short-term cryodestruction of gland by liquid nitrogen followed by suspension of Staphylococcus aureus (1 billion microbial cells). Control group animals got no treatment; the comparison group received Levomecol unguent; the experimental group took the immobilized forms of sodium hypochlorite. Effectiveness of treatment was assessed according the leukocyte formula dynamics, bacterial contamination of purulent cavity, lethality rate, and histology.
Results. Anti-inflammatory activity of immobilized forms of sodium hypochlorite was higher than Levomecol unguent on the 3rd day – in 1,2 fold, on the 5th day – in 1,4, on the 7th day – in 1,3 and on the 10th day – in 1,1 fold. In the experimental group microbial contamination was lower than in control group on the 3rd day – in 1,6, on the 5th day – in 1,8, on the 7th day – in 1,8 and on the 10th day – in 1,6 fold. In the experimental group lethality rate was lower than in the control group on 3rd day – by 10,4%, on 5th day – by 8,4%, on 7th day – by 3,1% and on 10th day – by 1%. On the 5th day of the experiment Levomecol unguent application limited the dissemination of necrosis to pancreas, surrounding cellular tissue and the abdominal wall.
Conclusion. Treating infected pancreatic necrosis with immobilized form of sodium hypochlorite is considered to be an effective and pathogenetically grounded means of early complex therapy.

Keywords: infected pancreatic necrosis, treatment, omental sac sanation, Levomecol unguent, immobilized form of sodium hypochlorite
p. 5-11 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
305041, Russian Federation,
Kursk, ul. K. Marksa, d. 3,
GBOU VPO «Kurskiy gosudarstvennyiy meditsinskiy universitet»,
kafedra obschey khirurgii,
tel. office 8(4712) 52-98-62,
Sukovatykh Boris Semenovich
Information about the authors:
Sukovatykh B.S. MD, professor, a head of the general surgery chair of SBEE HPE "Kursk State Medical University".
Elenskaja E.A. A clinical intern of the surgery department of RBME "Kursk City Clinical Emergency Hospital", applicant for degree of the general surgery chair of SBEE HPE "Kursk State Medical University".
Artjushkova E.B. MD, a director of the Research Institute of the ecological medicine of SBEE HPE "Kursk State Medical University".
Itinson A.I. PhD, a clinical intern of the surgery department of RBME "Kursk City Clinical Emergency Hospital".
Itinson A.A. A clinical intern of the general surgery chair of SBEE HPE "Kursk State Medical University".
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023