Year 2021 Vol. 29 No 1




National Ilizarov Scientific Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kurgan,
The Russian Federation

Objective. To study the characteristics and healing duration of the diaphyseal femoral fractures, depending on the technologies used for osteosynthesis and the time between trauma and osteosynthesis.
Methods. The study was performed on bred dogs (n=24). In the operating theatre all animals were modeled the transverse fracture of the femoral diaphysis in the middle third using a chisel. The animals were divided into 4 groups (6 per group). Animals of group 1 (one hour after the fracture) underwent transosseousosteosynthesis with a pin-rod external fixation device (PREF). In group 2, PREF was performed on the fourth day after the injury. In group 3 (one hour after the injury) blockable intramedullary osteosynthesis (BIOS) was performed. In group 4, the similar BIOS was performed on the fourth day after the fracture. To assess the results of treatment, the clinical, radiological and laboratory research methods were used. The duration of post-operative observation of the animals was 100 days.
Results. It has been found out that the dynamics of osteoreparative processes in the studied groups was similar and did not depend on the time between trauma and osteosynthesis.
The median time for the femoral shaft fracture healing in animals of group 1 was 46 days (Q1-Q3: 38-57), in group 2 – 73 days (Q1-Q3: 71-78) (differences between groups are significant at p=0.004); in group 3 – 49 days (Q1-Q3: 44-60), in group 4 – 72 days (Q1-Q3: 70-93) (differences between groups are significant at p=0.008). It is shown that the reason for the increase in fixation terms in dogs with the delayed osteosynthesis is the long-term persistence of the acute phase reaction caused by trauma (using the growth of C-reactive protein as an example).
Conclusion. The healing terms of a femoral shaft fracture with the use of PREF technology and BIOS technology are comparable, both in the conditions of urgent and delayed osteosynthesis.

Keywords: femoral fracture, osteosynthesis, fracture fixation, external fixators
p. 5-12 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
640014, Russian Federation,
Kurgan, M.Ulyanova Str., 6
National Ilizarov Scientific Center
for Traumatology and Orthopedics,
Ministry of Health of Russia,
tel. +7 352 245-05-38,
Stogov Maxim V.
Information about the authors:
Emanov Andrei A., PhD(Vet) Leading Researcher of the Experimental Laboratory, National Ilizarov Scientific Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kurgan. Russian Federation.
Stogov Maxim V., DS(Biol) Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Biochemistry Laboratory, National Ilizarov Scientific Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kurgan. Russian Federation.
Kireeva Elena A., PhD(Biol), Senior Researcher of the Biochemistry Laboratory, National Ilizarov Scientific Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kurgan. Russian Federation.
Tushina Natalya V., PhD(Biol), Researcher of the Biochemistry Laboratory, National Ilizarov Scientific Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kurgan. Russian Federation.
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