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Year 2018 Vol. 26 No 3
N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus, Minsk,
The Republic of Belarus
Objective. To evaluate the results of three-stage esophagectomy with one-phase esophagocolonoplasty in surgical treatment of esophageal and gastroesophageal junction carcinomas depending on graft translocation route to the neck.
Methods. Åsophagectomy with one-phase esophagocolonoplasty was performed in 30 patients. Depending on the graft translocation route to the neck, two groups of patients were formed: the 1st group — with retrosternal route (n=13) and the 2nd — with posterior mediastinal one (n=17). The groups did not differ in morphology, pT and pN, stages, age, body mass index and sex.
Results. Time of procedures in the 1st and 2nd groups was 435.0 (390.0, 477.5) and 425.0 (352.5, 467.5) minutes (p=0.691), blood loss volume — 400 (325.0, 525.0) and 500.0 (475.0, 725.0) ml (p=0.020), in-hospital stay — 30.0 (23.0, 36.0) and 32.0 (20.0, 57.5) days respectively (p=0.900). Esophago-colonic anastomotic leakage and graft proximal necrosis was detected by physical examination and X-rays on 7th day after the procedure. Anastomotic leakage in the 1st and 2nd groups developed in 2 (15.4%) and 2 (11.8%) cases (p=0.776), graft necrosis — in 1 (7.7%) and 1 (5.9% %) (p=0.846). Late anastomotic stricture of the esophageal-colonic anastomosis, determined endoscopically 3 months after the procedure developed in 2 (15.4%) and 1 (5.9%) patients respectively (p=0.398). Hospital and 30-day mortality did not differ — 1 (7.7%) and 1 (5.9%) (p=0.846); overall 5-year survival made up 18.6 and 20.6% respectively (plogrank=0.804).
Conclusions. Esophagectomy with one-stage esophageal replacement by primary coloplasty in surgical treatment of esophageal and gastroesophageal junction carcinomas regardless of graft translocation route to the neck is a complex procedure that allows achieving long-term treatment results comparable to those in the standard procedures.
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223040, The Republic of Belarus,
Minsk region, Lesnoy village 2,
N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer
Centre of Belarus
Surgical Department,
Tel. office: 8 017 389 95 32,
Ilya A. Ilyin
Ilyin Ilya A., PhD, Leading Researcher of the Surgical Department, N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus Minsk, Republic of Belarus.