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Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 6
EE "Vitebsk State Medical University",
The Republic of Belarus
The article is devoted to life and work of the famous surgeon, Doctor of medical sciences, Professor Alexander Nikolayevich Vedensky. In 1958 year he graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute He was à founder of the reconstructive vascular surgery and àn author of many scientific works, inventions and innovations. Alexander Nikolayevich Vedensky wrote monographs to all main sections of phlebology, which were written in simple and accessible language letting using them as a teaching material. The monographs present the issues that are still relevant, despite the rapid development of phlebology in recent decades.
Under supervision of A.N. Vedensky 2 dissertations for Doctor’s degree and 10 dissertations for Candidate’s degree have been defended. He had more than 30 years of working experience from an assistant of Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Blood Transfusion to Professor of the vascular surgery department of State Institute of Advanced Training for Physicians on the basis of Leningrad Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after R.R. Vreden, A.N. Vedensky was a founder of Leningrad School of Phlebology, characterized by depth knowledge and particular attention to anatomy and pathophysiology. Innovative and original solutions of Alexander Nikolayevich Vedensky permitted him not only to develop, but to apply the whole set of original methods for the transplantation of venous valves into clinical practice. It is difficult to overestimate the role of Alexander Nikolayevich Vedensky in the development of the native phlebology. Alexander Nikolayevich throughout his life studied himself and helped others to study. There were always a lot of people near him, who inherited his invaluable experience. Alexander Nikolayevich Vedensky was an outstanding clinician and a splendid physician. He was able to perform the most complex operations and at the same time he was not inherent in academic and arrogance and was available for any ordinary man. A.N. Vedensky was characterized by simplicity and sincerity of communication, helpfulness, kindness and attention.
- Stoiko IM, Trikhina SI, Mazaishvili KV. Aleksandr Nikolaevich Vedenskii – "dobryi genii" russkoi flebologii [Vedensky - "good genius" of Russian phlebology]. Moscow, RF: Lika; 2013. 149 p.
- Vedenskii AN, Korostovtseva NV. Gomo- i autoplastika vorotnoi veny [Homo- and autoplasty of portal vein]. Vestnik Khirurgii im II Grekova. 1963;(5):161-63.
- Klement AA, Vedenskii AN. Khirurgicheskoe lechenie zabolevanii ven konechnostei [Surgical treatment of vein diseases of the extremities]. Leningrad, USSR: Meditsina; 1976. 295 p.
- Vedenskii AN. Plasticheskie i rekonstruktivnye operatsii na magistral'nykh venakh [Plastic and reconstructive surgery on the main veins]. Leningrad, USSR: Meditsina; 1979. 224 p.
- Vedenskii AN. Varikoznaia bolezn' [Varicose veins]. Leningrad, USSR: Meditsina; 1983. 207 p.
- Vedenskii AN. Posttromboticheskaia bolezn' [Postthrombotic disease]. Leningrad, USSR: Meditsina; 1986. 240 p.
- Vedenskii AN, Belokonev EV. Ekstravazal'naia korrektsiia nedostatochnykh klapanov glubokikh ven karkasnymi spiraliami v kompleksnom lechenii varikoznoi bolezni nizhnikh konechnostei [Extravasal correction of insufficient valves, deep vein by wire frame spirals in the complex treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities]. Vestn Khirurgii im II Grekova. 1981;(7):53-58.
- Vedenskii AN, Stoiko IuM. Distantsionnaia okkliuziia ust'ev perforantnykh ven [Remote occlusion of the mouth of perforating veins]. Vestn Khirurgii im II Grekova. 1990;(10):124-28.
- Vedenskii AN, Stoiko IuM, Shaidakov EV, Omarov MA, Filatova AV. Sovremennye metody diagnostiki i korrektsii klapannoi nedostatochnosti pri khronicheskikh zabolevaniiakh ven [Current methods of diagnosis and correction of valvular insufficiency in chronic diseases of the veins]. Vestn Khirurgii im II Grekova. 1993;(2):155.
- Vedenskii AN, Briusov PG, Stoiko IuM. Sovremennye metody diagnostiki i korrektsii klapannoi nedostatochnosti pri varikoznoi bolezni i ee retsidivakh [Current methods of diagnosis and correction of valve insufficiency with varicose disease and its relapses]. Voen-Med Zhurn. 1993;(10):17-20.
210023, Republic of Belarus,
Vitebsk, Frunze Ave., 27,
Vitebsk State
Medical University,
department of general surgery.
Tel: +375 212 37-80-82
Nebylitsin Yuri Stanislavovich
Nebylitsin Y.S. Ass. Professor of department of general surgery, EE "Vitebsk State Medical University".
Smolyanets N.A. A 5-year student, EE "Vitebsk State Medical University", medical faculty.