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Year 2016 Vol. 24 No 1
Medical Institute of FSEE HPE ''Penza State University '',
The Russian Federation
Objectives. To compare the life quality of patients who have undergone prosthetic hernioplasty using of polypropylene mesh and modified xenopericardial patch.
Methods. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the chosen method of hernioplasty. In the main group xenopericardium plasty was performed by the developed technique. In the second group a polypropylene mesh was used as prosthesis. The life quality of patients was studied using the modified questionnaire EQ-5D-5L one and six years after the surgery.
Results. It was found out that one year after surgery the patients (n=37,5%) of the main group did not report about the pain in the area of operation. Among patients operated on using polypropylene mesh, this figure was only 19,0%. At the same time, 21,5% of patients with implanted polypropylene mesh noted intense pain in the area of operation. Two patients (3,0%) described their condition as "a sensation of extremely intense pain, a feeling of foreign body at the operation site."
46,9% patients operated on with the use of xenopericardium did not observed any discomfort and foreign body sensation at the operation site 6 years after the surgery. In the group of patients operated on with the use of polypropylene mesh the figure is only 26,0%. The visual analog rating scale of health-related quality of life showed that a year after xenopericardium implantation the quality of life was 9,5% higher than in patients operated on with use of polypropylene mesh, and six years after the operation this difference increased up to 11,4 %.
Conclusion. The study has confirmed that the application of the developed method of prosthetic plasty of median ventral hernias with use of xenopericardial plate significantly reduces the incidence of patients with a feeling of a foreign body and sensation of pain at the operation site, thereby improving their physical and mental health.
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440026, Russian Federation,
Penza, ul. Lermontova, d. 3,
Kafedra khirurgii
Meditsinskogo instituta
FGBOU VPO ''Penzenskiy gosudarstvennyiy universitet '',
tel.: 7 987 514-09-03,
Titova Ekaterina Valerevna
Nikolsky V.I. MD, professor of the surgery chair of Medical Institute of FSBEE HPE "Penza State University".
Titova E.V. PhD, an assistant of the surgery chair of Medical Institute of FSBEE HPE ''Penza State University ''.
Samorodova A.A. A day-time postgraduate student of the surgery chair of Medical Institute of FSBEE HPE ''Penza State University ''.
Feokttistov J.E. A clinical intern of the surgery chair of Medical Institute of FSBEE HPE ''Penza State University ''.