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Year 2015 Vol. 23 No 2
SBE "Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education" 1,
Ltd. "Linline Medical Systems"2, Minsk,
The Republic of Belarus
Objectives. To study the possibility of the liver regeneration with induced cirrhosis using micro-ablation method with spatially modulated erbium laser radiation (wavelength of 2,936 μm) in experimental animals.
Methods. In the experiment the liver cirrhosis was modeled in 70 albino outbred rats by means of carbon tetrachloride. Cirrhotically changed left liver lobe was treated by micro-ablation method (erbium laser, wavelength of 2,936 μm, impulse duration of 0,3 ms, packed with SMA (Space Modulated Ablation), the right lobe was a control one. The repeated operations with the treating of the liver have been carried out on the 15th, 30th, 60th days, followed by exclusion from the experiment and histological examination of the liver.
Results. After a single treating of the rats’ liver with spatially modulated erbium laser radiation at microscopy on the first day of exposure the signs of pre-existing liver cirrhosis in the hepatic tissue so as on the depth of exposure (from 5,5 to 6,0 μm) the destruction of some hepatocytes were revealed. Starting from the 30th day the regeneration signs of cirrhotically changed liver were established, including the reduction of the connective tissue amount and signs of the portal hypertension. At the same time no signs of regeneration in the right liver lobe not subjected to laser radiation were revealed. On the 60th day after double liver treating neoangiogenesis, proliferation of the bile ducts, reduction of the number of false lobules and connective tissue structures have been registered compared to the right lobe of the liver, which treating is not performed.
Conclusion. The impact of the micro-ablation method on the cirrhotically changed liver causes active process of regeneration that may be indicated for application Bridge-therapy prior to liver transplantation.
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220013 Respublika Belarus,
g. Minsk, ul. P.Brovki, d. 3, korp. 3,
GUO "Belorusskaya meditsinskaya akademiya
poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya",
kafedra transplantologii,
tel. mob: 375 29 275-07-50,
Pikirenia Ivan Ivanovich
Pikirenia I.I. PhD, an associate professor, a head of the transplantology chair of SEE "Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education".
Zemlyanik A.N. An extramural post-graduate student of the transplantology chair of SEE "Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education".
Khomchenko V.V. A director of Ltd. "LINLINE Medical Systems".