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Year 2015 Vol. 23 No 1
Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky
Objectives. To detail data of the nature of the vein thrombotic lesions, localization of dilated perforants and their involvement in this pathologic process by ultrasound duplex scanning in patients with the main lower extremity veins thrombosis.
Methods. In the main group the examination of 149 lower limbs in 119 patients (17-82 yrs) with the main vein thrombosis, in the control group – 191 limbs in 121 patients (17-87 yrs) without thrombotic lesions and varicose changes of the lower limb veins have been performed. The ultrasonic device Toshiba Powervision with transducer of exchangeable frequency (5,0-12,0 MHz and 2,5-4,0 MHz) was applied. The different patient’s position, compression and respiratory probes were used.
Results. The main group: the acute and subacute thrombotic lesions of deep and subcutaneous veins were revealed in 121 (81,2%) limbs. The subcutaneous veins thrombosis was found out in 86 limbs (57,7%). Thrombus apex flotation was revealed in 23 (15,4%) limbs. Varicose of the subcutaneous veins was observed in 59,7%. In the main group the dilated perforating veins were found in 61,8%, most often – muscular perforants (32,9%) and Boyd perforants (28,2%). In the control group the dilated perforants were found in 18,9%, the most frequently – Cockett III perforants (7,9%) and Sherman perforants (5,2%). Spreading of thrombotic lesions between the large and small subcutaneous veins pools through the communicating branches has occurred in 2,7% cases. The propagation of thrombosis through dilated perforants to the deep veins was detected in 22,1% cases.
Conclusion. Ultrasonic duplex scanning of the lower limb veins permitted to detail the parameters of thrombotic lesion and the probable ways of its propagation. The authors suggest for the predictive purpose to indicate the status of communicating and perforating branches of the lower limbs veins in the protocol.
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79010 Ukraina,
g. Lvov, ul. Pekarskaya, d. 69,
Lvovskiy natsionalnyiy meditsinskiy universitet im. Danila Galitskogo,
kafedra operativnoy hirurgii s topograficheskoy anatomiey,
tel. office: 38 (032) 275-59-31,
Orel Mariya Glebovna
Orel M.G. An assistant of the operative surgery with topographic anatomy chair of Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky.