Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 5




National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolets, Kiev1,
SE “National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named AFTER N.M. Amosov NAMS of the Ukraine” 2

Objectives. To reveal signs of noncoronary dystrophic process in the myocardium of workers of aircraft enterprises exposed to a long combined impact of local impulse vibration and industrial noise.
Methods. In the hospital of occupational diseases of National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolets and the department of urgent endovascular surgery with X-ray operation room of National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of the Ukraine during the period from 2008 to 2013, 34 workers of vibro-noise professions of the aircraft enterprises (the main group) and 27 persons of the control group underwent a profound cardiologic examination. Besides routine methods all workers were subjected to the coronaroventriculography (CVG) and a vectorechocardiography (VECG) at rest and in the dobutamine stress test.
Results. Among the inspected workers with the cardiac syndrome, in 86,7% persons of the main and 40,7% persons of the control group according VECG data, the signs of dystrophic process in the myocardium were revealed. At rest a mean value of the longitudinal myocardial deformation index of the left ventricle (LDMLV) in patients of the main group was lower than value of this index in the control group, not reaching statistically significant difference. Dobutamine stress-test revealed more substantial decline of index of LDMLV in the main group (17,2±2,2) as compared to control (13,4±1,4), making these differences reliable (р<0,01).
Coronaroventriculography together with the conservative methods of cardiologic research allowed eliminating the influence on development of trophic disturbances in the myocardium of the basic modified cardiovascular risk factors and also primary cardiologic pathology in workers of both groups.
Conclusion. In workers of aircraft enterprises exposed to the long professional impact of local impulse vibration and industrial noise, the cardiomyopathy syndrome has been diagnosed. The exclusion of possible etiopathogenic role in development of this syndrome of primary cardiovascular pathology allows assuming presence of other development mechanisms of trophic violations in the cardiac muscle in this group of workers and demands carrying out further scientific search.

Keywords: cardiomyopathy, vibration, noise, myocardium, dystrophic process, coronaroventriculography, vectorechocardiography
p. 547-552 of the original issue
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Address for correspondence:
01601, Ukraina, g. Kiev,
bulvar T. Shevchenko, d. 13,
Natsionalnyiy meditsinskiy universitet im. A.A. Bogomoltsa,
kafedra gigienyi truda i professionalnyih bolezney,
tel. office: 380 44 424 34 42,
Sova Sergey Gennadievich
Information about the authors:
Sova S.G., PhD, associate professor of the occupational hygiene and occupational diseases chair of National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolts.
Lebedeva E.O., a surgeon of the department of urgent endovascular surgery with X-ray operation room of SE “National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N.M. Amosov of NAMS of the Ukraine”.
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