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Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 3
Tajik State Medical University named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, Tajikistan, Dushanbe
The Republic of Tajikistan
The contemporary literature review dealing with the laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCE) complications is presented in the article. According to the literature data various complications during LCE occur in 0,1-0,6 % of cases. The most frequent complications are: the intersection of the biliary ducts, injuries of large abdominal vessels and the hepatic porta. Risk factors of intraoperative complications are chronic inflammatory infiltrate in the gall bladder and hepato-duodenal ligament, obesity, fat deposits in the lig. hepatoduodenale zone, a poor exposure and visualization in the Calot triangle. The frequency of bile duct (BD) injury during cholecystectomy ranges from 0,22 to 0,86 %. Damaging of arteries during the operation is one of the most difficult types of injuries. The right hepatic artery is damaged more often, the incidence of damage reaches 7%.
The classification of Bismuth-Corlette and E.E. Galperin finds the largest application in case of bile ducts damage. When bile ducts are damaged in many cases Roux biliary-enteric anastomosis, hepaticojejunostomy with transhepatic drainage by Pradery-Smith or Goetze-Saypol-Kurian, and hepatico-jejunostomy by Hepp-Couinaud are considered to be the operation of choice. Frequency of good and satisfactory results in patients with damaged BD at the biliary-enteric anastomoses 46% to 94%. In 50-60% cases the restoration of the coledoch “end -to-end” on the T-type drainage leads to unsatisfactory results.
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734003, Respublika Tadzhikistan, g.Dushanbe, Tadzhikskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet imeni Abuali ibni Sino, kafedra operativnoi khirurgii i topograficheskoi anatomii,
Kurbanov Dzhurabek Muminovich
Kurbanov D.M., PhD, associate professor, a head of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the Tajik State Medical University named by Abu Ali ibn Sina.
Rasulov M.I. A graduate student of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the Tajik State Medical University named by Abu Ali ibn Sina.
Ashurov A.S., A graduate student of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the Tajik State Medical University. Abu Ali ibn Sina.