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Year 2014 Vol. 22 No 1
SBEE HPE “Rostov State Medical University”,
The Russian Federation
Objectives. To determine the role and estimate clinical efficiency of minimally invasive interventions in treatment of patients with the infected forms of the acute destructive pancreatitis (ADP).
Methods. The study included 167 patients with infected forms of ADP, 48 (28,7%) patients underwent minimally invasive interventions. In 32 patients by ultrasonically guided percutaneous puncture and drainage interventions (PPDI) have been performed, in 3 patients – under video laparoscopic control, 6 patients underwent necrosectomy by video laparoscopy and/or retroperitoneosopy and 7 patients underwent necrosectomy from mini approaches with application of set “mini-Assistant”. The choice of a minimally invasive method was defined strictly individually taking into account the character, volume and localization of a purulent cavity, the sizes of sequesters, the ratio of fluidic and tissue components, and also initial severity of a patient condition according to SAPS scale.
Results. From 48 patients with the infected forms of ADP who were subjected to minimally invasive interventions, a positive clinical effect was obtained in 41 (85,4%) patients. In these patients minimally invasive interventions appeared to be the final surgical manipulation. In 7 (14,6%) cases after the minimally invasive interventions application the further traditional surgical treatment was considered to be necessary. The postoperative lethality in the group of patients with the infected forms of ADP, who were subjected to the minimally invasive interventions, made up 12,5%.
Conclusions. Minimally invasive intervention is considered to be the effective methods of surgical treatment of patients with the infected forms of ADP with obligatory careful selection of patients and a strict individual approach to the choice of operation.
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344000, Rossiiskaia Federatsiia, g. Rostov-na-Donu, per. Nakhichevanskii, d. 29, GBOU VPO «Rostovskii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet», kafedra obshchei khirurgii,
Alibekov Albert Zaurbekovich
Chernov V.N. MD, an Honored Scientist of RF, professor, a head of the general surgery chair of SBEE HPE “Rostov State Medical University”.
Belik B.M. MD, professor the general surgery chair of SBEE HPE “Rostov State Medical University”.
Alibekov A.Z. A post-graduate student of the general surgery chair of SBEE HPE “Rostov State Medical University”.