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Year 2013 Vol. 21 No 3
SHEE “Ternopil State Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachevsky”,
MPH of the Ukraine
The Ukraine
Objectives. To reduce frequency of larynx nerves injury by means of improvement of surgical techniques, methods and technology of their identification in the operation wound. To decrease of the incidence of per-operative laryngeal nerve injury by means of improvement of surgical techniques, methods and technology of their identification in the operation wound.
Methods. 57 patients operated on different forms of goiter were enrolled in the research. The developed technical methods of performing operations, the method and technology of electrophysiological identification of the larynx nerves among wound tissues have been approved intraoperative. The principle of the method is based on the registration of sound vibrations produced by air passage through the glottis. Changes of the tension degree of the vocal cords and the glottis lumen area due to electrophysiological stimulation of the wound tissues and larynx nerves are reflected in different degrees on the characteristics of sound waves.
Results. Application of the developed principles of technical performance of surgical interventions at cervical, cervical and retrosternal and retrosternal localization of multinodular or recurrent goiter allows to simplify the operation performance and prevent the larynx nerves injury. Intraoperative identification of larynx nerves among wound tissues has been performed by using the developed method. 57 patients were investigated 201 times. The greatest changes of the amplitude and sound frequency occurred during electrical stimulation of larynx nerves. These fonatory effects allow to identify larynx nerves with absolute reliability. There were no errors in the identification of nerves location and allocation. Post-operative pareses of the larynx was not observed.
Conclusions. The conducted research confirmed the effectiveness of the application of the developed technologies of surgical interventions at different goiter forms and the method of larynx nerves identification among wound tissue to prevent the injury and pareses of the larynx.
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46001, Ukraina, g. Ternopol', maidan Voli, d. 1, GVUZ "Ternopol'skii gosudarstvennyi meditsinskii universitet imeni I.Ia. Gorbachevskogo, MOZ Ukrainy", kafedra obshchei i operativnoi khirurgii s topograficheskoi anatomiei,
Shidlovskii Aleksandr Viktorovich
Shidlovskyi A.V. PhD, associate professor of general and operative surgery chair with topographic anatomy of SHEE “Ternopil State Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachevsky, MPH of the Ukraine”.
Roznovskyi Y.R. A post-graduate student of general and operative surgery chair with topographic anatomy of SHEE “Ternopil State Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachevsky, MPH of the Ukraine”.