Year 2012 Vol. 20 No 4




ME “Mogilev Regional Hospital”
The RepublicoOf Belarus

Objectives. To determine the optimal scheme of rocuronium bromide dosing in the composition of the multicomponent balanced endotracheal anesthesia with sevoflurane in case of the laparoscopic abdominal operations in patients with obesity.
Methods. 76 patients suffering from obesity were included in the study. The patients received rocuronium bromide in the dosage of 0,45 mg/kg. Dose of rocuronium was calculated either for the actual body weight (AW) (the 1 group) or for the ideal body weight by formulas of Lorentz, Brooke and Devine (the 2, 3 and 4 group, correspondently).
Results. Rocuronium's onset time of action was the shortest at the dose on FM – 80 s (52-127). In calculating of rocuronium dose using the formulas of Lorentz and Brooke onset time of complete neuromuscular block was longer (125 s (75-340) in the 2 group and 110 s (80-200) in the 3rd group). The greatest time of Rocuronium’s onset of action was in the 4 group – 270 s (130-340). Duration of rocuronium action was also the longest in the 1st group (39,5 min (35-51), and the shortest – in the 4 group (29 min (27-31).
Conclusions. In patients with obesity undergoing abdominal surgeries the use of rocuronium should be done taking into consideration the ideal body weight. The most controlled for rocuronium dosing as a component of the balanced endotracheal anesthesia is considered to be a scheme with the myorelaxant calculation for the ideal body weight by the formula of Lorentz.

Keywords: rocuronium, anesthesia, obesity, neuromuscular block
p. 94 – 100 of the original issue

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Address for correspondence:
212016, Respublika Belarus, Mogilev, ul. Belyinitskogo-Biruli, d. 12, UZ «Mogilevskaya oblastnaya bolnitsa», reanimatsionno-anesteziologicheskoe otdelenie,
Marochkov Aleksey Viktorovich
Information about the authors:
Marochkov A.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Anesthesiology-Resuscitation Department of ME “Mogilev Regional Hospital”.
Contacts | ©Vitebsk State Medical University, 2007-2023