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Year 2011 Vol. 19 No 1
Objectives. Detection of the localization and assessment of morphological and functional changes presenting in the biliary tract after cholecystectomy.
Methods. The article analyses the results of comprehensive clinical and functional studies of 198 patients who previously underwent removal of the gall bladder and in whom the postcholecystectomical syndrome at various times after surgery was diagnosed. On the identified data 65 patients were reoperated because of the bile outflow failure. In 26 observations of patients the endoscopic papillosphincterotomy was performed; and in 25 patients - the reconstructive surgery on the biliary tract. In 14 patients the repeated surgical interventions were not caused by organic pathology of the extra hepatic bile ducts.
Results. Retrospective analysis of repeated surgical procedures showed that the optimal distant results were noted in patients who underwent various options for imposing bypass biliodigestive derivations. In absence of evidence to the re-operative intervention in patients with clinical manifestations of biliary dyskinesia the conservative treatment with choleretic drugs and drugs increasing secretion of bile in complex with ganglion blocking is indicated.
Conclusions. Clinical manifestations of “postcholecystectomical syndrome” are largely due to undiagnosed and not eliminated organic changes in the terminal part of the common bile duct during the execution cholecystectomy, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring surgical correction at the time of the primary surgery.
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