Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 3




Objective. To systematize indications, to standardize the stages of neurosonography, to develop the protocol and algorithm of the brain ultrasound examination.
Methods. 48 patients with various volumetric formations of the brain were included in the research. In all the patients CT was performed before the operation; and the ultrasound scanning of the brain parenchyma was performed itraoperatively or in the postoperative periods through the trepanation defect. Neurosonography was carried out in B-mode as well as in color Doppler mapping and power Doppler modes.
Results. A clear sequence and criteria of ultrasound examination of the brain were developed. The algorithm of the neurosonographic research, indications, modes and methods of ultrasonic scanning of the brain were worked out.
Conclusion. Use of the protocol and of the algorithm of ultrasound examination provides recurrence and accessibility of neurosonography in the establishments of health care at various levels and contributes to the wide introduction of the technique into the clinical practice.

Keywords: neurosonography, protocol of ultrasound scanning, neurovisualization
p. 89 – 96 of the original issue
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