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Year 2010 Vol. 18 No 1
The efficacy estimation of the preparations’ use restoring functional state of the endothelium in the complex treatment of the lower limbs deep veins acute thrombosis is carried out.
Depending on the performed treatment the patients were divided into three groups. In the 1st group a standard treatment scheme was applied: anticoagulants of direct and indirect action, antiagregants. In the 2nd group in the complex scheme of patients’ treatment the angioprotector preparations were included - pentoxifylline (trental), phleboprotector and phlebotonic – L-lysine escinate and antioxidant complex. In the 3rd group in the complex scheme of treatment the angioprotector preparations were included – pentoxifylline (trental), phleboprotector and phlebotonic – L-lysine escinate and combined antioxidant cytoprotector – lycored.
It has been found out that use in the complex treatment of such preparations as pentoxifylline (trental), phleboprotector and phlebotonic – L-lysine escinate, antioxidant complex and lycored in order to correct the functional state of endothelium as well as the processes of free-radical oxidation is pathogenetically grounded. The decrease of the increased indexes of lipid oxidation (the content of dienal conjugates, malonyl dialdehyde) is marked as well as normalization of the markers levels of the endothelial dysfunction (restoring of the nitrates/nitrites content, decrease of the circulating endotheliocytes number). Regress of the clinical manifestation of the disease has also been marked.
The conducted research has proved the efficacy of the preparations’ use restoring functional state of the endothelium in the complex treatment of patients with the lower limbs deep veins acute thrombosis
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