Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 1




The main aim of the research was the study of the diagnostic value of the immunochemical test for the occult blood in the feces while detecting the colon polyps. 69 patients with the colon polyps, 25 healthy volunteers, 91 patients with the irritable colon syndrome and 20 patients with the large intestine diverticulum were included in the research group. The colon polyps’ diagnostics in all cases was done by means of colonoscopy with biopsy. The research result have shown that immunochemical test sensitivity in the detection of the colon polyps made up 37,68 (95% CI: 26,3 – 50,2), specificity – 80,17 (95% CI: 71,7 – 87,0). Immunochemical test (AUC,0,71, 95% CI:0,629 – 0,777) surpasses in the diagnostic value the hemoccult test (AUC,0,56, 95%CI:0,475 – 0,635; P=0,03) while detecting the colon polyps. Immunochemical test sensitivity in the detection of the colon polyps of large sizes ( 1 cm) made up 57,1% (95% CI: 37,20 – 75,50), specificity - 95,56% (95% CI: 90,60 – 98,30). While revealing large colon polyps diagnostic value of the immunochemical test didn’t show any statistic differences in comparison with the hemoccult test (AUC,0,66, 95% CI: 0,57 – 0,74; р=0,16) and ESR (AUC,0,73, 95% CI:0,65 – 0,80; р=0,63).

Keywords: colon polyps, non-invasive diagnostics, immunochemical test.
p. 62 - 69 of the original issue
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