Year 2008 Vol. 16 No 1




In experimental intestinal obstruction in dogs, the possibility of application of the method of pulse oximetry was studied to evaluate arterial perfusion of the small intestine. It has been found out that pulse oximetry method of determination of hemoglobin regional saturation with oxygen (SpO2) in the arterial microcirculatory bed of the small intestine walls permits establishing the absence of the arterial perfusion quickly and accurately as well as the beginning of necrosis of the small intestine. The level of saturation of hemoglobin oxygen (SpO2) in the proximal part of the small intestine decreases when the duration of the obstruction increases and the zone is closer to the obstruction. This permits using the given method in order to estimate viability of the small intestine and the strength of intestinal anastomosis in the post-operative period. It has been proved that widened resection of the small intestine in experimental intestinal obstruction reliably improves the indexes of the arterial blood supply of the small intestine.

Keywords: pulse oximetry, obstruction of the small intestine, resection of the small intestine.
p. 8 – 16 of the original issue
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