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Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 2
Treatment analysis of 76 patients operated on because of chronic venous insufficiency with marked trophic disturbances is performed. The patients were divided into 3 groups. In the 1st one in order to liquidate the horizontal blood reflux subfascial ligation of the perforant veins from access according to D. Felder was carried out; in the 2nd – endoscopic dissection of the perforant veins; in the 3rd – supfascial ligation of the perforant veins in combination with distant occlusion of the posterior tibial veins.
The performed analysis shows that in the patients with chronic venous insufficiency at the marked trophic disturbances subfascial ligation of perforant veins from access according to D. Felder is the worst variant of the operative treatment. endoscopic dissection of perforant veins should be regarded an optimal choice. Perforant veins subfascial ligation is only in the u/3 and the m/3 in combination with distant posterior tibial veins occlusion can be carried out at any surgical department and its results are significantly better than at subfascial ligation of perforant veins from access according to D. Felder and are comparable in case of endoscopic dissection application.
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