Year 2009 Vol. 17 No 2




Bibliographic life review of a famous Belarusian surgeon, Doctor of medical sciences, Professor Leonid Vikentyevich Avdey who was the head of the 2nd chair of the hospital surgery of Minsk medical institute, the chief surgeon of the Ministry of the public health care of the BSSR is presented in the article.
During the period from 1968 till 1977 Leonid Vikentyevich was the chief surgeon of the Ministry of the public health care of the BSSR and in 1970–1977 he also headed the chair of the hospital surgery of Minsk state medical institute. The activity of L.V. Avdey was rather variable. He contributed much to the development of the Belarusian surgery as well as to rendering of surgical aid to the population of the republic; he also created scientific surgical school and created the ground of modern Belarusian hepatology and endoscopy.

Keywords: history of Belarusian surgery, Belarusian surgeons, surgical scientific schools, Minsk state medical institute, L.V. Avdey
p. 3 - 7 of the original issue




Local hypothermia of the pancreas of a white rat with the help of cryosurgical complex KCH 3А/В was accomplished. Cooling was carried out intra-operatively, by the direct contact of the cryosurgical tip with the tissue of the pancreas. It was established that the development of the destructive processes in the pancreas was combined with the pathological changes of the parapancreas cellular tissue.
Local cryoinfluence for 60 seconds at the temperature of -100°С and -140°С on the 14th day of the experiment produces a formation in the parapancreas cellular tissue of the pseudocyst, the cavity doesn’t communicate with the duct system of the pancreas. The formation of the pseudocyst in the experiment is formed from interdependent and sequentially developing stages of transformation of infiltrative- necrotic form of the parapancreas and includes the stages of serous edema, necrosis, infiltration and limitations. In the basis of the formation of the pseudocyst there is a lesion of the parapancreas cellular tissue by the enzymes of the pancreas in case of an acute experimental pancreas.

Keywords: pseudocyst, pancreas, pathogenesis, modeling of pseudocysts
p. 8 - 13 of the original issue
  1. Warren, K. W. The choice of surgical procedurer in treatment of pancreatic cysts / K. W. Warren, A. I. Baker // Surg. Clin. N. Amer. – 1958. – Vol. 38. – P. 815-829.
  2. Виноградов, В. В. Опухоли и кисты поджелудочной железы / В. В. Виноградов. – М.: Медицина. – 1959. – 220 с.
  3. Вилявин, Г. Д. Кисты и свищи поджелудочной железы / Г. Д. Вилявин, В. И. Кочиашвили, К. К. Калтаев. – М.: Медицина, 1977. – 192 с.
  4. Мишин, В. Ю. Современные взгляды на роль и место малоинвазивных лечебных и диагностических вмешательств при заболеваниях поджелудочной железы / В. Ю. Мишин // Анналы хирургии. – 1998. – № 1. – С. 23-30.
  5. Джумабаев, Х. Д. Диагностика и тактика хирургического лечения кист поджелудочной железы / Х. Д. Джумабаев // Анналы хирург. гепатологии. – 1999. – Т. 4, № 2. – С. 155-156.
  6. Зайцев, В. Т. Хирургическое лечение кист поджелудочной железы в свете отдаленных результатов / В. Т. Зайцев, Г. Д. Доценко, В. И. Лупальцев // Вестник хирургии. – 1982. – Т. 128, № 2. – С. 29-33.
  7. Гидирим, Г. П. Осложнения острого панкреатита / Г. П. Гидирим // Хирургия. – 1980. – № 1. – С. 95-98.
  8. Филин, В. И. Острый панкреатит и его осложнения / В. И. Филин, Г. П. Гидирим. – Кишинев: Штиинца, 1982. – 148 с.
  9. Nonoperative management of pancreatic pseudocysts. Problems in differential diagnosi / U. Boggi [et al.] // Int. J. Pancreatol. – 1999. – N 25 (2). – P. 123-133.
  10. Острый панкреатит и травмы поджелудочной железы / Р. В. Вашетко [и др.]. – СПб: Из-во Питер, 2000. – 320 с.
  11. Бойко, Ю. Г. Патологическая анатомия и патогенез острого панкреатита / Ю. Г. Бойко. – Минск: Беларусь, 1970. – 152 с.
  12. Савельев, B. C. Острый панкреатит / B. C. Савельев, В. М. Буянов, Ю. В. Огнев. – М.: Медицина, 1983. – 240 с.




The treatment results of 300 patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis and pseudocysts of the pancreas are summarized and presented in the paper. The comparative analysis of conservative methods of pseudocysts treatment as well as of the post-operative complications causes and lethality is performed. Minimaly invasive interventions introduced in the clinical practice such as drainage puncture under ultrasound control and laparoscopic operations in case of pseudocysts on chronic pancreatitis background are evaluated. According to the obtained results the author concludes that introduction of the minimaly invasive operations is rather a promising course in pseudocysts treatment and permits to decrease the number of complications. The internal drainage surgeries must be regarded as a choice method in case of uncomplicated pseudocysts and in case of cysts localization in the pancreas head proximal resection in various modifications is a radical treatment method.

Keywords: pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, pseudocyst
p. 14 - 25 of the original issue
  1. Данилов, М. В. Хирургия поджелудочной железы / М. В. Данилов, В. Д. Федоров. – М.: Медицина, 1995. – 509 с.
  2. Schlosser, W. Pseudocyst treatment in chronic pancreatitis – surgical treatment of theunderlying disease increases the long-term success / W. Schlosser, M. Siech, H. G. Beger // Dig. Surg. – 2005. – Vol. 22. – P. 340-345.
  3. Хронический панкреатит. Современные концепции патогенеза, диагностики и лечения / А. А. Шалимов [и др.]. – Київ:”Здоров’я”, 2000.
  4. Pancreatic tissue fluid pressure in chronic pancreatitis. Relation to pain, morphology, and function / N. Ebbehoj [et al.] // Scand. J. Gastroenterol. – 1990. – Vol. 25. – P. 1046-1051.
  5. Changes in peptidergic innervation in chronic pancreatitis / M. Buchler [et al.] // Pancreas. – 1992. – Vol. 7. – P. 183-192.
  6. Bradley, E. L. The natural history of pancreatic pseudocysts: a unified concept of management / E. L. Bradley, J. L. Jr. Clements, A. C. Gonzalez // Am. J. Surg. – 1979. – Vol. 137. – P. 135-141
  7. Usatoff, V. Operative treatment of pseudocysts in patients with chronic pancreatitis / V. Usatoff, R. Brancatisano, R. C. Williamson // Br. J. Surg. – 2000. – Vol. 87. – P. 1494-1499.
  8. The natural history of pancreatic pseudocysts documented by computed tomography / C. J. Yeo [et al.] // Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. – 1990. – Vol. 170. – P. 411-417.
  9. Pancreatic pseudocyst in chronic pancreatitis: endoscopic and surgical treatment / E. Rosso [et al.] // Digest. Surg. – 2003. – Vol. 20. – P. 397-406.
  10. Minimally invasive surgery of the pancreas in progress / L. Fernandez-Cruz [et al.] // Langenbecks Arch. Surg. – 2005. – Vol. 390. – P. 342-354.
  11. Gullo, L. Pancreatic cysts: somatostatin and drainage. Cronic pancreatitis / L. Gullo; ed. by M. Buechler [et al.]. – Blackwell pub. Heidelberg, 2002. – P. 467-470.
  12. Jedlicka, R. Eine Nervenoperationsmethode der Pancreaspseudozysten (Pancreato-gastrostomie) / R. Jedlicka // Zentralb. Chir. – 1923. – Vol. 184. – P. 80-84.
  13. Byrne, M. F. Pancreatic Pseudocysts / M. F. Byrne, R. M. Mitchell, J. Baillie // Curr. Treat. Options. Gastroenterol. – 2002. – Vol. 5. – P. 331-338.
  14. Crass, R. A. Acute and chronic pancreatic pseudocysts are different / R. A. Crass, L. W. Way // Am. J. Surg. – 1981. – Vol. 142. – P. 660-663.
  15. Lohr-Happe, A. Natural course of operated pseudocysts in chronic pancreatitis / A. Lohr-Happe, M. Peiper, P. G. Lankisch // Gut. – 1994. – Vol. 35. – P. 1479-1482.
  16. Nealon, W. Main pancreatic ductal anatomy can direct choice of modality for treating pancreatic pseudocysts (surgery versus percutaneous drainage) / W. Nealon, E. Walser // Ann. Surg. – 2002. – Vol. 235, N 6. – P. 751-758.
  17. Nealon, W. H. Duct drainage alone is sufficient in the operative management of pancreatic pseudocyst in patients with chronic pancreatitis / W. H. Nealon, E. Walser // Ann. Surg. – 2003. – Vol. 237. – P. 614-620. – Disc. 620-612.



The authors have studied the possibilities of the endoscopic relaxation of the major duodenal papilla with the preparation “Dysport” containing botulinum toxin in case of preparation local endoscopic injecting in the region of the papilla in patients suffering from acute pancreatitis. The method was used in 19 patients with edematic form of acute pancreatitis, to whom 60–100 units of the preparation were injected in the region of the major duodenal papilla during the initial endoscopic investigation in 24 hours after admission to the in-patient department. The method is rather simple to be performed and causes few traumas; it is pathogenetically grounded and doesn’t require any additional equipment and skills from endoscopists. It hasn’t any strict contraindications and is rather an effective and safe method of treatment. Use of this method has permitted to improve treatment results of the patients with pancreatitis.

Keywords: major duodenal papilla, minor-invasive interventions, Dysport
p. 26 – 31 of the original issue
  1. Ермолов, А. С. Перспективы внедрения малоинвазивных методов при неотложных состояниях / А. С. Ермолов, А. А. Гуляев, К. Г. Жестков // Эндоскопическая хирургия. – 2002. – Т. 2. – С 40-41.
  2. Баранов, Е. В. Методы лечения гнойных осложнений некротизирующего панкреатита / Е. В. Баранов, А. М. Федорук, А. Е. Щерба // Проблемы хирургии в современ. условиях: материалы XIII съезда хирургов Республики Беларусь. – Гомель, 2006. – С. 32.
  3. Наш опыт хирургического лечения деструктивного панкреатита / Ж. А. Ахмитов [и др.] // Проблемы хирургии в современ. условиях: материалы XIII съезда хирургов Республики Беларусь. – Гомель, 2006. – С. 26-27.
  4. Бибик, И. Л. Псевдокисты поджелудочной железы как осложнения острого деструктивного панкреатита / И. Л. Бибик, Н. Е. Николаев, В.В.Остапенко // Проблемы хирургии в современ. условиях: материалы XIII съезда хирургов Республики Беларусь. – Гомель, 2006. – С. 48.
  5. Данилов, М. В. Хирургия поджелудочной железы / М. В. Данилов, В. Д. Федоров. – М.: Медицина, 1995. – 17 с.
  6. Роль желчного микролитиаза в патогенезе острого панкреатита / С. С. Чубенко [и др.] // Сучасна гастроентерология. – 2003. – № 2 (12). – С. 47-49.
  7. Klor, H. U. Biliary microlithiasis: a common cause of chronic pancreatitis and dia-betis melitus (type 3c) / H. U. Klor, P. D. Hardt // Chron. Pancreat. – Berne, 2000.
  8. Бородач, А. В. Морфофункциональные особенности большого дуоденального сосочка и сфинктера Одди / А. В. Бородач // Анналы хирург. гепатологии. – 2001. – Т. 6, № 1. – С. 146-151.
  9. Губергриц, Н. Б. Билиарный сладж: констатировать или лечить? / Н.Б.Губергриц, Бен Хамида Макрем Бен Мекки // Сучасна гастроентерология. – 2005. – № 4 (24). – С. 13.
  10. Idiopatic recurrent pancreatitis: long-term results after ERCP, endoscopic sphincterotomy, or ursodeoxycholic acid treatment / P. A. Testoni [et al.] // Am. J. Gastroenterol. – 2000. – Vol. 95, N 7. – Р. 1702-1707.
  11. Chemical composition of gallbladder sludge in patients after bone marrow transplantation / C. W. Ko [et al.] // Am. J. Gastroenterol. – 1996. – Vol. 91. – P. 1207-1210.
  12. Дюспаталин в лечении заболеваний органов пищеварения: обзор литературы и результаты собственных исследований / И. И. Дегтярева [и др.] // Сучасна гастроентерология. – 2003. – № 2 (12). – С. 76-80.
  13. Эффективность применения холивера при заболеваниях гепатобилиарной системы / И. И. Дегтярева [и др.] // Сучасна гастроентерология. – 2003. – № 3 (13). – С. 51-55.
  14. Калинин, А. В. Дисфункции сфинктера Одди и их лечение / А. В. Калинин // Русский медицинский журн. – 2003. – Т. 11, № 27.
  15. Морфологические изменения, происходящие со структурами большого сосочка двенадцатиперстной кишки собаки после введения в его область препарата, содержащего ботулинический токсин / З. А. Дундаров [и др.] // Проблемы здоровья и экологии. – 2008. – № 1 (15). – С. 112-117.



The methods of the sclerosurgical treatment of the lower limbs varicosity are presented in the article. The authors grounding on their own experience of the subcutaneous veins trunks of the lower limbs scleroobliteration performed in 3000 patients describe the technology of its carrying-out; they distinctly determine all indications and contra-indications to its use. On the basis of the distant result study advantages and disadvantages of sclerosurgical treatment are presented. Shortening of surgical intervention duration, minimal number of scars, almost painless post-operative period, restoration of the capacity for work 1–2 weeks after the first stage of treatment are the main advantages. Necessity to carry out post-operative sclerotherapy may be referred to the negative aspects of treatment.
Sclerosurgical treatment is indicated to the majority of patients with varicosity. It has significant advantages in comparison with “classic radical veinectomy”. The indication to the intra-operative trunk scleroobliteration is valve insufficiency of the large and/or small subcutaneous veins at width of the vein lumen not more than 8 mm. Intra-operative scleroobliteration of the large subcutaneous vein trunk isn’t indicated when there are conditions impeding effective post-operative hip compression.

Keywords: varicosity, sclerosurgery, intra-operative scleroobliteration, echosclerotherapy
p. 32 - 37 of the original issue
  1. Kaeseberg, U. Segmental Sclerosing or Stripping in Outpatient Treatment / U. Kaeseberg // XII Wordl Congress Union Internationale de Phlebologie. – London, 1995. – P. 521-523.
  2. Практикум по лечению варикозной болезни / под ред. Г. Д. Константиновой. – Москва: Профиль, 2006. – 188 с.



The long-term results of treatment and quality of life were studied in 84 patients, in whom hernioplasty caused by the post-operative abdominal hernias had been performed at the surgical department of Smolensk regional clinical hospital during the period since 1997 to 2007. The hernioplasty with acellulated skin graft had been performed in 49 patients (the main group) and the polypropylene mesh had been impalantated in 35 patients (the control group). The distant results were studied up to the period of 9 years. The recurrence rate made up 10,2% in the main group and 11,4% in the control one. No reliable difference was revealed between these groups.
The quality of life was evaluated according to the methods of European society for study of life’s quality (EQ-5D). The quality of life was found out to be significantly higher in the main group firstly due to less marked pains in the region of operation. On the basis of the obtained data it was concluded that acellulated skin graft plasty could be considered a method of choice in the treatment of the post-operative abdominal hernias.

Keywords: post-operative hernia, skin graft, quality of life
p. 38 - 43 of the original issue
  1. Белоконев, В. И. Патогенез и лечение послеоперационных вентральных грыж / В. И. Белоконев, Т.А. Федорина, З. В. Ковалева. – Самара: изд. СГМА, 2005. – 204 с.
  2. Егиев, В. Н. Ненатяжная герниопластика / В. Н. Егиев, П. К. Воскресенский, С. И. Емельянов. – М.: Медпрактика, 2002. – 147 с.
  3. Тимошин, А. Д. Хирургическое лечение паховых и послеоперационных грыж брюшной стенки / А. Д. Тимошин, А. В. Юрасов, А. Л. Шестаков. – М.: «Триада-Х», 2003. – 114 с.
  4. Гостевской, А. А. Нерешенные вопросы протезирования передней брюшной стенки при грыжах /А.А. Гостевской // Вестник хирургии. – 2007. – № 4. – С. 115-118.
  5. Синченко, Г. И. Безрецидивное хирургическое лечение послеоперационных вентральных грыж как социальная проблема / Г. И. Синченко, М. В. Ромашкин-Тиманов, А. А. Курыгин // Вестник хирургии. – 2006. – № 1. – С. 15-18.
  6. Суковатых, Б. С. Превентивная пластика брюшной стенки протезом «Эсфил» при операциях на органах брюшной полости / Б. С. Суковатых, А. А. Нетяга, Н. М. Валуйская // Вестник хирургии. – 2006. – № 3. – С. 61-66.
  7. Тимошин, А. Д. Итоги конференции «Проблемы современной герниологии - 2006» / А. Д. Тимошин, А. В. Юрасов, А. Л. Шестаков // Анналы хирургии. – 2007. – № 1. – С. 16-17.
  8. Добровольский, С. Р. Исследование качества жизни у больных в хирургии / С. Р. Добровольский, Ю. Х. Абдурахманов, Э. К. Джамынчиев // Хирургия. – 2008. – № 12. – С. 73-76.
  9. Szende, A. EQ-5D value sets: inventory, comparative review and user guide // A. Szende, M. Oppe, N. Devlin. – Springer, 2007. – 54 p.
  10. Randomized clinical trial of suture repair, polypropylene mesh or autodermal hernioplasty for incisional hernia / M. Korenkov [et al.] // Brit. J. Surg. – 2002. – Vol. 89, N 1. – P. 50-56.



One of the complications of diabetes is the diabetic foot syndrome. According to the character of the lesions one may single out neuropathic, ischemic and combined forms. On the basis of the anamnesis data and the results of the objective research, diagnostic criteria in case of various forms of lesions have been worked out. The results of treatment of 116 patients are presented. As a result of differential approach and appropriate complex treatment it was possible to reduce the terms of patients’ stay o in bed and to improve the results of treatment.

Keywords: diabetes, diabetic foot, neuropathy, ischemia, treatment, gangrene, amputation
p. 44 - 48 of the original issue
  1. Блатун, Л. А. Современные возможности местного медикаментозного лечения гнойных ран мягких тканей у больных СД / Л. А. Блатун, И. А. Лапунов // Современные аспекты диагностики, лечения, профилактики поражений нижних конечностей у больных СД: тр. науч.-практич. конф. – М., 1996. – С. 24-25.
  2. Синдром диабетической стопы / И. И. Дедов [и др.]. – М., 1998. – 138 c.
  3. Дедов, И. И. Новая классификация, новые диагностические критерии и современные подходы к медикаментозной терапии СД 2 типа / И. И. Дедов, М. И. Балаболкин. – М., 2001. – С. 23.
  4. Adlerberth, A. M. Diabetes and long-term risk of mortality from coronary and other causes in middle-aged Swedish men. A general population study / A. M. Adlerberth, A. Rosengren, L. Wilhelmsen // Diabetes Care. – 1998. – Vol. 21. – P. 539-545.
  5. Traditional and nontraditional risk factors predict coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease: results from the atherosclerosis risk in communities study / P. Muntner [et al.] // J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. – 2005. – Vol. 16. – 529-538.
  6. Marshall, S. M. Prevention and early detection of vascular complications of diabetes / S. M. Marshall, A. Flyvbjerg // BMG. – 2006. – Vol. 2. – P. 475-480.
  7. Ахунбаев, М. И. Диабетическая ангиопатия нижних конечностей и диабетическая стопа / М. И. Ахунбаев, А. П. Калинин, Д. С. Рафибеков. – Бишкек, 1997. – 144 с.
  8. Котов, С. В. Диабетическая нейропатия / С. В. Котов, А. П. Калинин, И. П. Рудакова. – 2000. – 40 с.
  9. Диабетическая стопа / А. П. Калинин [и др.]. – Бишкек, 2000. – 286 с.
  10. Factors associated with limb loss despite a patent infrainguinal bupass graft / C. G. Carsten [et al.] // Am. Surg. – 1998. – Vol. 64. – P. 33-38.
  11. Venermo, M. Diabetic foot. Prevention and interventions / M. Venermo, M. Lepanto // Angiologi and Vascular surgery. – 2008. – Vol. 14, N 3. – Р. 19-31.
  12. Исмаилов, С. А. Регионарные перфузии перфторана в комплексном лечении диабетической стопы: автореф. ... дис. канд. мед. наук / С. А. Исмаилов. – Махачкала, 2001. – 18 с.



The vessels of the right part of the colon, neck and thorax vessels were revealed on the sectional material in order to revascularize the intestinal transplant from ileocolon at esophagoplasty. Our research showed, that ischemia of the transplant from ileocolon is possible because of the narrowing or breaking edge of the vessel at different degrees. Hence, to prevent the ischemic complications the transplant needs revascularization. It is estimated, that the superficial cervical artery, the inferior thyroid artery and the internal mammary arteries may serve as the most suitable donor-vessels for its revascularization. Besides, using the right part of the colon for esophageal replacement suggests the possibility of transplant double revascularization by means of microanastomosis of two vascular pedicles (the short vascular pedicle of transplant from ileocolic artery, the long vascular pedicle of transplant from the terminal segment of superior mesenteric artery) with two donor-vessels on the neck and in the thorax.

Keywords: esophagoplasty, transplant, ileocolon, revascularization
p. 49 - 57 of the original issue
  1. Бакиров, А. А. Тотальная пластика пищевода при его стриктурах // Вестн. хирургии. – 2001. – № 1. – С. 53-57.
  2. Искусственный пищевод у детей / Ю. Ф. Исаков [и др.] // Хирургия. – 2003. – № 7. – С. 6-16.
  3. Оганесян, А. В. Непосредственные и отдаленные результаты внутригрудной колоэзофагопластики у больных с ожоговой стриктурой пищевода: автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук : 14.00.27 / А. В. Оганесян; Рос. науч. центр хирургии им. Б. В. Петровского РАМН. – М., 2006. – 24 с.
  4. Чепурный, Г. И. Шейный эзофагоколоанастомоз при тотальной пластике пищевода у детей / Г. И. Чепурной, А. Г. Мясников, Б. Г. Розин // Детская хирургия. – 2004. – № 3. – С. 4-5.
  5. Ergun, O. O. Two-stage coloesophagoplasty in children with caustic burns of the esophagus: hemodynamic basis of delayed cervical anastomosis – theory and fact / O. O. Ergun, A. Celic, O. Mutaf // J. Pediatr. Surg. – 2004. – Vol. 39, N 4. – P. 545-548.
  6. Davis, P. A. Colonic interposition after esophagectomy for cancer / P. A. Davis, S. Law, J. Wong // Arch. Surg. – 2003.– Vol. 138, N 3. – P. 303-308.
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  9. Кожевников, М. А. Хирургическое лечение рубцовых сужений пищевода у лиц, заболевших в детском возрасте, и оценка его эффективности: автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук:14.00.27 / М. А. Кожевников; Иркут. гос. мед. ун-т. – Иркутск, 2006. – 23 с.
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  11. Мирзоев, Н. Д. Оценка жизнеспособности трансплантата из илеоколон для эзофагопластики при рубцовых стриктурах пищевода: автореф. дис… канд. мед. наук: 14.00.27 / Волгоград. мед. акад. – Астрахань, 1999. – 19 с.
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  20. Чернявский, А. А. Выбор способа завершения изоперистальтической трубчатой эзофагопластики на основании интраоперационной оценки кровоснабжения желудочного трансплантата / А. А. Чернявский, М. К. Рыжов // Хирургия. – 2008. – № 2. – С. 26-32.
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We have analyzed the treatment results in 841 patients with the medial and 336 patients with the lateral femoral neck fractures. The distant results of treatment have been studied in 381 patients with the mesial fractures and in 134 patients with lateral ones. Not-traumatic osteosynthesis application with compression screws and osteoplastic osteosynthesis in the able-bodied patients has permitted to get positive results in 86,5% of cases. Endoprosthetic devices implantation in elderly patients has permitted to obtain positive results in 87,2% of cases. However, endoprosthesis of the hip joint from the functional point of view is more preferable for this category of patients.
In the treatment of the trochanterian fractures it is possible to use conservative and surgical methods if indicated. Comparison of the methods used in the clinic of involved and osteosynthesis with the external fixation frame in case of trochanterian fractures with possible reposition attainment by the closed method gives grounding to consider the later to be more effective.

Keywords: medial femoral neck fracture, trochanterian fracture, osteosynthesis, endoprosthesis, external fixation frame
p. 58 - 64 of the original issue
  1. Анкин, Л. Н. Практическая травматология. Европейские стандарты диагностики и лечения / Л. Н. Анкин, Н. Л. Анкин. – М.: Книга-плюс, 2002. – 480 с.
  2. Войтович, А. В. Оперативное лечение больных с переломами проксимального отдела бедренной кости в системе медицинской реабилитации: автореф. дис. … д-ра мед. наук / А. В. Войтович. – СПб., 1994. – 24 с.
  3. Карев, Б. А. Некоторые статистические аспекты переломов бедренной кости: сборник / Б. А. Карев, Ю. А. Азаров, Д. Б. Карев // Актуальные вопросы травматологии и ортопедии: материалы итог. науч.-практич. конф. травматологов-ортопедов. – Минск, 1996. – С. 75.
  4. Лечение больных с переломами проксимального отдела бедренной кости в условиях больницы скорой помощи: принципы и критерии эффективности / В. П. Охотский [и др.] // Вестник травматологии и ортопедии им. Н. Н. Приорова. – 1995. – № 1–2. – С. 3-6.
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  6. К вопросу о лечении пациентов с переломами шейки бедренной кости в молодом и среднем возрасте / Б. А. Карев [и др.] // Матер. VII съезда травматологов-ортопедов РБ. – 2002. – С. 181-183.
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  17. Карев, Б. А. Комбинированный металлокостнопластический остеосинтез в лечении переломов шейки бедренной кости: методические рекомендации / Б. А. Карев, С. И. Болтрукевич, Д. Б. Карев. – Гродно, 1997. – 12 с.




The results of azygoportal disconnection, performed in 105 children with portal hypertension, treated in the Center of Pediatric Surgery from 1984 till 2003 were studied by us.
We performed 132 operations. The average age of children was 6,2±3,5 years. We had to operate 23 children from 105 twice, and 2 patients were operated three times. We analyzed 5 kinds of operations: esophageal transsection (in 11 patients), Pacioriґs operation (in 10 patients), splenectomy with collaterals ligation (in 14 patients), esophageal reimplantation (in 30 patients), and esophageal ligation on prosthesis (in 53 patients). 39 (37,1%) patients had a complicated postoperative course. We observed recurrent esophageal-gastric bleeding in 41 (39%) patients 3,7±2,5 years (median 3 years) after operation.
High percentage of post-operative complications and recurrent bleeding put certain limitations on the usage of operations of azygoportal disconnection in children with extrahepatic portal hypertension.

Keywords: surgical treatment, portal hypertension, children
p. 65 - 70 of the original issue
  1. Рачков, В. Е. Эффективность и возможности применения в детской хирургии операции Sugiura / В.Е. Рачков, А. Ю. Разумовский // Хирургия. – 1996. – № 4. – С. 80-83.
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The article presents the results of examination of 40 children with congenital obstruction of the upper parts of the digestive tract in the late post-operative period after a successful correction of malformation. It was revealed that 75% of patients complained of the disturbances of general status and functions of the gastrointestinal tract. All children had functional and organic disorders in the gastroduodenal zone.

Keywords: congenital obstruction of the upper parts of the digestive tract, esophageal atresia, pylorostenosis, duodenal obstruction
p. 71 - 76 of the original issue
  1. Красовская, Т. В. Хирургическая тактика при различных формах атрезии пищевода: обзор / Т. В. Красовская, Ю. И. Кучеров, Х. Н. Батаев // Детская хирургия. – 2000. – № 5. – С. 46-50.
  2. Природжені вади розвитку травного тракту / В.З. Москаленко [и др.]; под общ. ред. В. З. Москаленко. – Севастополь: Вебер, 2003. – 103 с.
  3. Тератология человека / Г. И. Лазюк [и др.]; под общ. ред. Г. И. Лазюка. – Москва: Медицина, 1991. – 480 с.
  4. Rokitansky, A. Influence of associated malformations on survival rate of surgically uncomplicated esophageal atresia cases / A. Rokitansky, A. Kolankaya, J. Mayreta // Acta chir. Austriaca. – 1993. – N 6. – P. 377-380.
  5. Bergmeijer, J. Normal Ranges of 24-Hour pH-metry Established in Corrected Esophageal Atresia / J. Bergmeijer [et al.] // Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. – 1999. – Vol. 28, N 2. – P. 162-163.
  6. Peyvasteh, M. A. Study of Esophageal Strictures after Surgical repair of Esophageal Atresia / M. Peyvasteh [et al.] // Pak. J. Med. Sci. – 2006. – Vol. 22, N 3. – P. 269-272.
  7. Dysphagia and gastroesophageal reflux in children with oesophageal atresia with tracheo-oesophageal fistula after succesful surgery treatment. Own observations / W. Radys [et al.] // Med. Wieku Rozwoj [My paper]. – 2007. – N 11 (4). – P. 387-391.
  8. Лекции по патологической анатомии: учебное пособие / Е. Д. Черствый [и др.]; под ред. Е. Д. Черствого, М. К. Недзьведя. – Минск: «АСАР», 2006. – 464 с.




Endoprosthesis of large joints is accompanied by a significant hemorrhage during the operation (up to 800 ml) and after it (up to 1500 ml). That demands carrying out transfusions that can be followed by a number of well-known complications and enlarges treatment cost.
1–1,5 hours before the operation 700±100 ml of blood is taken in patients in order to carry out the intraoperative hemodilution autohemotransfusion. The hemodilution with saline solutions in amount of 15–17 ml/kg and solutions of hydroxyethylated starch in dose of 15–17 ml/kg was performed simultaneously. During the operation the infusion of saline solutions in amount of 17–20 ml/kg was carried out. After the implantation of the leg of the artificial joint and maintenance of adequate hemostasis, autoblood transfusion was carried out. Preparations of donor blood were not used.
Application of this procedure has reduced the post-operation hemorrhage, has made possible to avoid using of donor blood, and has reduced the quantity of post-transfusion complications and hemotransmission infections; all this reduces the cost of treatment.

Keywords: autoblood, autohemotransfusion, intraoperative hemodilution, endoprosthesis, reinfusion
p. 77 - 82 of the original issue
  1. Качество жизни больных с показаниями к эндопротезированию тазобедренного сустава / М. Э. Гурылева [и др.] // Эндопротезирование в России: Всерос. монотемат. сб. науч. ст. – 2005. – Вып. I. – С. 138-145.
  2. Влияние операции эндопротезирования на качество жизни больных с суставной патологией / А. И. Юосеф [и др.] // Восстановительная травматология и ортопедия: материалы науч.-практич. конф. Гоу. «Науч.-исследоват. центр Татарстана». – Казань, 2004. – С. 90.
  3. Абельцев, В. П. Десятилетний опыт эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава при диспластическом коксартрозе / В. П. Абельцев // Вестн. травматологии и ортопедии им. Н. Н. Приорова. – 2002. – № 1. – С. 54-57.
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  12. Гемотрансфузионная тактика у больных при операциях эндопротезирования тазобедренных суставов / О. Н. Черкавский [и др.] // Вестн. интенсив. тер. – 2001. – Т. 1. – С. 73-76.
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Sepsis continues to be one of the most serious diseases in modern medicine. It is associated with the changes in serum albumin qualities. We’ve examined the influence of plasmapheresis and hemosorption through “Ovosorb” hemosorbent on albumin coupling capacity. We’ve determined that albumin coupling capacity is decreased drastically with sepsis. Hemosorption with “Ovosorb” hemosorbent restores albumin functioning, improves the condition status according to APACHE II and reduces general treatment time. Plasmapheresis also improves coupling capacity, but not so much as “Ovosorb” hemosorbent.

Keywords: sepsis, albumin, coupling capacity, hemosorption, plasmapheresis
p. 83 - 90 of the original issue
  1. Hotchkis, R. S. The Pathophysiology and Treatment of Sepsis / R. S. Hotchkis, I. Karl // N. Engl. J. Med. – 2003. – Vol. 348. – P. 138-150.
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Traditional cannulation (without ultrasound guidance) is often (5–20%) associated with several dangerous complications. Patients with liver disease have higher risk of complications due to coagulation disturbances. We have presented our first experience of 32 successful central vein catheterizations in the patients with cirrhosis including 8 patients to whom central vein catheter has been inserted directly before liver transplantation. Economic benefits based on experience of foreign authors are given. Advantages of ultrasound technique over traditional approach have been pointed out. It seems reasonable to train anesthesiologists in ultrasound imaging of the vessels and ultrasound guidance for central vein cannulation. In the future the role of ultrasound-guided technique should be assessed in lowering rate of late complications such as thrombotic or/and infectious.

Keywords: central vein, central vein cannulation, complications, ultrasound imaging
p. 91 - 97 of the original issue
  1. Complications and failures of subclavian-vein catheterization / P. F. Mansfield [et al.] // N. Engl. J. Med. – 1994. – Vol. 331. – Р. 1735-1738.
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This work aimed to describe the application of spring constructions of wire netting for increasing the effectiveness in the elimination of the extensive defects of the crowns of the teeth contains the comparative analysis of new endodontical constructions in the systems «root- spring» and the clinical substantiation of their application. The author carried out the explication of the real forms of endodontical systems «root- spring», taking into account of anatomical structure and functional features of the teeth. New principles are examined in the preparation of restoration system «root- spring», which ensures their optimum relationship. Suggested spring design is rather simple in production, easily accessible for acquiring, that is why it can be widely used in the lost teeth tissue restoration under the limited conditions for traditional spring production which demand costly technical facilities as well as special service personnel.
The studied spectrum of questions presents urgency in the integral approach to the restoration of the lost cloths of the teeth crowns and can present a definite practical value in dentistry.

Keywords: restoration of crowns, spring constructions, endodontical springs, constructions of the wire netting
p. 98 - 104 of the original issue
  1. Аристархов, И. В. Ортопедическая стоматология: практическое руководство / И. В. Аристархов. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2006. – 190 с.
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Based on our own investigations and literature analysis specification of our hypothesis of continence and defecation published earlier is presented here. The process of continence starts with inhibited passage of feces collected above the colonosigmoid and rectosigmoid sphincters and the anal canal. Feces density increases due to water absorption and its volume decreases.
Anterior displacement of the recto-anal connection contributes to feces continence. We suppose that multiple bundles of smooth muscle fibers in the internal anal sphincter (IAS) are present at different stages of the restoration of the contraction potential. Only mature bundles, i.e. bundles with large enough potential to contract, respond to electrical stimulus. Each next wave of electrical stimulation affects different bundles of fibers. This continuous process ensures high tonus of IAS 24 hours a day.
Interchanging continence reaction and reaction of adaptation promote prolonged fecal retention and vice versa. During contraction of one group of muscles, the other muscle group restores its contraction potential.
The reflex of defecation results in relaxation of the IAS, PRM, EAS and contraction of the musculus levator ani, which opens the anal canal up to the width of the rectum. Then, peristaltic wave of the rectum ensures propulsion of fecal masses.

Keywords: Rectum physiology, anal canal, continence, defecation, puborectal muscle, musculus levator ani, anorectal reflex
p. 105 - 118 of the original issue
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The patients of the intensive care units who are in critical state and having clinical manifestations of polyorganic insufficiency present that group of patients who require the use of methods of nutritional correction of the protein and energy exchange such as enteral and parenteral feeding. Insufficient attention to the problem of compensation of the suddenly increasing energy requirements sometimes leads to decompensation of the adaptation possibilities of the patients and development of the complications that are difficult for correction. The purpose of this given work is up-to-date analysis of the most significant for the clinical practice problems that develop while undertaking nutritional support of the patients with SIRS and polyorganic insufficiency. In the analytical literature review the questions of catabolitic and hypermetabolic syndrome pathogenesis are studied; the estimation of various approaches to the calculation of patients’ needs is performed; the efficiency of various methods of enteral and parenteral feeding from the conclusive medical point of view is analyzed; the algorithm of nutritional support method realization in case of critical state is discussed. The estimation and monitoring of the patients metabolic needs cause the necessity of the individual approach to realization of the nutritional support.

Keywords: protein-energy insufficiency, critical conditions, nutritional support
p. 119 -129 of the original issue
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  34. Enteral nutrition is superior to parenteral nutrition, enteral feeding attenuates the acute phase response and improves disease severity in acute pancreatitis / F. Kalfarentoz [et al.] // British Journal of Surgery. – 1997. – Vol. 84. – P. 1665-1669.
  35. Enteral compared with parenteral: a meta-analysis / C. Braunschweig [et al.] // AJCN. – 2001. – Vol. 74, N.4. – Р. 534-542.
  36. Does enteral nutrition compared to parenteral nutrition result in better outcomes in critically ill adult patients? A systematic review of the literature / L. Gramlich [et al.] // Nutrition. – 2004. – Vol. 20, N 10. – P. 843-848.
  37. Efficacy of using a food fortification approach to increase the energy intake of long stay residential patients who are at risk of malnutrition / K. Ashbolt [et al.] // Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. – 2000. – Vol. 59. – Р. 156-167.
  38. Relationship of nutritional status to length of stay, hospital costs, and discharge status of patients hospitalized in the medicine service / C. S. Chima [et al.] // Journal of the American Dietetic Association. – 1997. – Vol. 97. – Р. 975-978.
  39. Nitenberg, G. Nutritional support in sepsis: still skeptical? / G. Nitenberg // Current opinion in Critical Care. – 2000. – Vol. 6. – Р. 253-266.
  40. Components of energy expenditure in patients with severe sepsis and major trauma: a basis for clinical care / M. Uehara [et al.] // Crit. Care Med. – 1999. – Vol. 27. – Р. 1295-1302.
  41. Evaluation of oxygen consumption and resting energy expenditure in critically ill patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome / S. Moriyama [et al.] // Crit. Care Med. – 1999. – Vol. 27. – P. 2133-2136.
  42. Lipid emulsions in total parenteral nutrition-state of the art and future perspectives / M. Adolph [et al.] // Clinical Nutrition. – 2001. – Vol. 20. – Supp. 4. – P. 11-14.
  43. Long chain versus medium chain lipids in patients with ARDS: effects on pulmonary haemodynamics and gas exchange / V. Smirniotis [et al.] // Intensive Care Med. – 1998. – Vol. 24. – Р. 1029-1033.
  44. Tanaka, H. Reduction of resuscitation fluid volumes in severely burned patients using ascorbic acid administration: a randomized, prospective study / H. Tanaka // Arch. Surg. – 2000. – Vol. 135. – Р. 326-331.
  45. Furst, P. Fish oil emulsions: what benefits can they bring? / P. Furst, K. S. Kuhn // Clin. Nutr. – 2000. – Vol. 19. – P. 7-14.
  46. Hawker, W. H. How to feed patients with sepsis / W. H. Hawker // Curr. Opin. Crit. Care. – 2000. – Vol. 6, N 4. – P. 247-252.
  47. Heyland, D. K. Total parenteral nutrition in the critically ill patient: a meta-analysis / D. K. Heyland, S. MacDonald, L. Keefe // JAMA. – 1998. – Vol. 280. – Р. 2013-2019.
  48. Lipman, T. Grains or veins: is enteral nutrition really better than parenteral nutrition? A look at the evidence / T. Lipman // JPEN. – 1998. – Vol. 22. – Р. 167-182.
  49. Надыров, Э. А. Изучение энтеропротективных свойств раннего энтерального питания у больных с гнойным панкреатитом по данным патологоанатомических исследований / Э. А. Надыров, О. А. Голубев, В. М. Майоров // Актуальные проблемы медицины: сб. науч. студ. конф. – Гомель: ГоГМУ, 2008. – Т. 3. – С. 62-65.
  50. Майоров, В. М. Применение энтерального питания в раннем послеоперационном периоде у больных с гнойными осложнениями острого деструктивного панкреатита / В. М. Майоров, З. А. Дундаров // Актуальные проблемы медицины: сб. науч. студ. конф. – Гомель: ГоГМУ, 2008. – Т. 3. – С. 17-21.
  51. Ferreira, I. Nutritional intervention in COPD. A systematic overview / I. Ferreira // Chest. – 2001. – Vol. 2, N 119. – Р. 353-363.
  52. Wilson, R. The nutritional management of patients with head injuries / R. Wilson, C. Dente, J. Tyburski // Neurological Research. – 2001. – Vol. 23. – Р. 121-128.
  53. Spapenf, H. Soluble fiber reduces the incidence of diarrhea in septic patients receiving total enteral nutrition: a prospective, double-blind, randomized, and controlled trial / H. Spapenf, M. Diltoer, C. Van Malderen // JAMA. – 2001. – Vol. 20. – Is. 4. – P. 301-305.
  54. Suchner U. Immune-modulatory actions of arginine in the critically ill / U. Suchner, D. K. Heyland, K. Peter // Br. J. Nutr. – 2002. – Vol. 87. – Suppl. 1. – Р. 121-132.




The up-to-date tendencies in diagnostics and treatment of the articular cartilage defects in the form of the review lecture are summarized in the article. The data concerning the structure and functions of the cartilage tissue, its various zones construction, many-sided role of chondrocytes and extracellular matrix are presented. The analysis of different causes resulting in damage and occurrence of cartilage covering defects of the synovial joints is given.

Keywords: cartilage, joint, defect, pathology
p. 130 - 135 of the original issue
  1. Articular cartilage biology / M. Ulrich-Vinther [et al.] // J. Am. Acad. Orthop Surg. – 2003. – Vol. 11. – P. 421-430.
  2. Eckstein, F. The effects of exercise on human articular cartilage / F. Eckstein, M. Hudelmaier, R. Putz // Journal of Anatomy. – 2006. – Vol. 208, N 4. – P. 491-512.
  3. Accumulation of advanced glycation end products as a molecular mechanism for aging as a risk factor in osteoarthritis / J. Degroot [et al.] // Arthritis Rheum. – 2004. – Vol. 50. – P. 1207-1215.
  4. Fithian, D. Patellar instability: the Lyon experience / D. Fithian, Ph. Neyret, E. Servien // Current Orthopaedic Practice. – 2008. – Vol. 19, N 3 – P. 328-338.
  5. Outcomes of microfracture for traumatic chondral defects of the knee: Average 11-year follow-up / J. R. Steadman [et al.] // Arthroscopy. – 2003. – Vol. 19. – P. 477-484.
  6. DeFranco, M. J. A Comprehensive Review of Partial Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears / M. J. DeFranco, B. R. Bach // The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. – 2009. – Vol. 91-A, N 1. – P. 198-208.
  7. Induction of chondrocyte apoptosis following impact load / J. Borrelli [et al.] // J. Orthop Trauma. – 2003. – Vol. 17. – P. 635-641.
  8. Erggelet, C. Principles of Cartilage Repair / C. Erggelet, B. R. Mandelbaum. – Springer, 2008. – 121 p.
  9. Gerdeman, A. C. What’s New in Sports Medicine / A. C. Gerdeman, M. V. Hogan, M. D. Miller // The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. – 2009. – Vol. 91-A, N 1. – P. 241-256.
  10. Analysis of Tibiofemoral Cartilage Deformation in the Posterior Cruciate Ligament-Deficient Knee / S. K. Van de Velde [et al.] // The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. – 2009. – Vol. 91-A, N 1. – P. 167-175.
  11. Autologous chondrocyte implanation compared with microfracture in the knee: A randomized trial / G. Knutsen [et al.] // The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. – 2004. – Vol. 86-A. – P. 455-464.



Seizures are one of the most frequent causes of childhood pathologies, emphasizing the requirement for practitioners training dealing with the questions of emergent therapy rendering in case of the given pathology. We should point out that in almost 10% of «healthy» children poorly marked non-specific changes of the electrical activity are noticed, in 2–3% of children epileptoid manifestations (sharp waves) on the electroencephalography are seen. We consider actual to study the present-day approaches concerning the problem of acute seizures therapy.

Keywords: chronic and acute seizures, epileptic status, emergent therapy
p. 136 - 144 of the original issue
  1. Интенсивная терапия в педиатрии / В. И. Гребенников [и др.]; под ред. В. А. Михельсона. – М.: ГЭОТАР-МЕД, 2003. – С. 276-283.
  2. Курек, В. В. Руководство по неотложным состояниям у детей / В. В. Курек, А. Е. Кулагин. – М.: Мед. лит., 2008. – С. 218-227.
  3. Полин, Р. А. Секреты педиатрии: пер. с англ. / Р.А. Полин, М. Ф. Дитмар. – М.СПб.: «Издательство БИНОМ»-«Невский Диалект», 1999. – С. 595-646.
  4. Современные методы диагностики и лечения генерализованной эпилепсии у детей первых трех лет жизни: инструкция по применению / Г. Г. Шанько [и др.]. – Мн.: БелМАПО, 2007. – 14 с.
  5. Судорожные состояния // Избранные лекции по анестезиологии и интенсивной терапии детского возраста: учеб.-метод. пособие / В. В. Курек [и др.]. – Мн.: БелМАПО, 2002. – Ч 2. – С. 182-200.
  6. Textbook of critical care / William C. Shoemaker [et al.]. – 4th ed. – Philadelphia, 2000. – P. 1845-1855.




The operative interventions technique and terminology with the original author’s description of the operative methods and some of their modifications which may be interesting for surgeons and can help to understand the treatment variations used in case of chronic pancreatitis are presented in the article. Our own experience of 108 proximal resections in the patients with chronic pancreatitis in Vitebsk regional scientific-practical center «Surgery of the liver and pancreas disease» is presented. The obtained treatment results of chronic pancreatitis patients permit to consider the pancreas head resection with duodenum saving to be a choice operation; the resection variant must be individually determined based on morphological and anatomical changes in the pancreas.

Keywords: chronic pancreatitis, subtotal duodenum saving resection, local resection of the pancreas head, Bern’s modification
p. 145 - 153 of the original issue
  1. Данилов, М. В. Хирургия поджелудочной железы / М. В. Данилов В. Д. Федоров. – Москва: Медицина, 1995. – 510 с.
  2. Duodenum-preserving resection of the head of the pancreas in severe chronic pancreatitis. Early and late results / H. G. Beger [et al.] // Ann. Surg. – 1989. – Vol. 209. – P. 273-279.
  3. Frey, C. F. Comparison of local resection of the head of the pancreas combined with longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy (Frey procedure) and duodenum-preserving resection of the pancreatic head (Beger procedure) / C. F. Frey, K. L. Mayer // World J. Surg. – 2003. – Vol. 27, N 11. – P. 1217-1230.
  4. Longitudinal V-shaped excision of the ventral pancreas for small duct disease in severe chronic pancreatitis: prospective evaluation of a new surgical procedure / J. R. Izbicki [et al.] // Ann. Surg. – 1998. – Vol. 227. – P. 213-217.
  5. Головчатый панкреатит / В. И. Филин [и др.] // Вестн. хир. – 1991. – Т. 146, № 1. – С. 104-109.
  6. Duodenumpreserving head resection in chronic pancreatitis changes the natural course of the disease: a single-center 26-year experience / H. G. Beger [et al.] // Ann. Surg. – 1999. – Vol. 230. – P. 512-519.
  7. A Modified Technique of the Beger and Frey Procedure in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis / B. Gloor [et al.] // Dig. Surg. – 2001. – Vol. 18. – P. 21-25.
  8. A new method of duodenum-preserving subtotal resection of the head of the pancreas based on the surgical anatomy / W. Kimura [et al.] // Hepato-gastroenterology. – 1996. – Vol. 43, N 8. – P. 463-472.
  9. Ruzicka, M Duodenum-sparing resection of the pancreatic head combined with pancreatogastroanastomosis in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis-surgical / M. Ruzicka, P. Dite, D. Konecna // Hepatogastroenterology. – 1997. – Vol. 44, N 14. – P. 564-566.
  10. Frey, C. F. Description and rationale of a new operation for chronic pancreatitis / C. F. Frey, G. J. Smith // Pancreas. – 1987. – Vol. 2. – P. 701-706.
  11. Clinical experience with duodenum-preserving total resection of the head of the pancreas with pancreaticocholedocho-duodenostomy / Т. Imaizumi [et al.] // J. Hepatobiliary Pancreat. Surg. – 1995. – Vol. 2. – P. 38-44.
  12. Complete duodenum-preserving resection of the head of the pancreas with preserving biliary tract / T. Takada [et al.] // J. Hepatobiliary Pancreat. Surg. – 1995. – Vol. 2. – P. 32-38.
  13. Prospective randomised comparison of organ-preserving pancreatic head resection with pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy / G. Farkas [et al.] // Arch. Surg. – 2006. – Vol. 391. – P. 338-342.




The treatment results of firearm wounds in 131 patients are analyzed in the article. Tactical approaches to the treatment of firearm injuries of various anatomical zones and organs are presented. The author’s experience is based on the work in the civil hospital of the Republic of Yemen as well as on the mass admission of victims with mine-explosive wounds to Vitebsk emergency hospital.

Keywords: surgical treatment, firearm injury
p. 154 - 165 of the original issue
  1. О головной организации по лечению огнестрельной травмы: постановление, 20.09.2007 г., N 64/83 / Министерствo здравоохр. и Министерствo обороны Респ. Бел. – Зарегистрировано в Нац. центре правовой информации РБ 4.10.2007, №8/17171. – 7 с.
  2. Артемьев, А. Огнестрельное ранение – краткая информация / А. Артемьев // Новый Хирург. Архив. – 2003. – Т. 2, № 2.
  3. Быков, В. П. Оптимизация этапного лечения огнестрельных ранений груди и живота мирного времени у жителей северной провинции России: автореф. … дис. д-ра мед. наук / В. П. Быков. – Архангельск, 1998. – 28 с.
  4. Бисенков, Л. Н. Хирургическое лечение инфекционных осложнений повреждений груди и живота / Л. Н. Бисенков, П. Н. Зубарев. – СПб., 1997. – 221 с.
  5. Демидов, В.А. Лечение повреждений толстой кишки в условиях специализированного отделения / В. А. Демидов // Новый Хирург. Архив. – 2002. – Т. 1, № 5.
  6. Специализированная хирургическая помощь при огнестрельных ранениях груди и живота мирного времени / А. С. Ермолов [и др.] // Хирургия. – 1998. – № 10. – С. 7-11.



The article is dedicated to the post-operative recurrent goiter which is a significant problem of the endocrine surgery. The performed literature data analysis shows that up to present there hasn’t been any definition of the term “recurrent goiter”; generally accepted classification of the given pathology is absent as well.
Based on his own experience of the recurrent goiter treatment the author suggests the definition of the term “recurrent goiter”, formulates recommendations concerning the use of various diagnostic investigations.
The main causes resulted in the post-operative complications are determined; recommendations on their prevention are given. The technique of the operation in case of recurrent goiter permitting to decrease the incidence rate of the post-operative paresis of the upper laryngeal nerve and hypoparathyriosis is described in details. Special attention is paid to the fact that in the majority of cases the complications after surgeries of the nodal diseases of the thyroid are caused by technical mistakes made during surgical operations. That’s why the main preventive measure is qualification improvement of surgeons who carry out such operations.

Keywords: nodal goiter, recurrent nodal goiter, upper laryngeal nerve, hypoparathyriosis.
p. 166 – 171 of the original issue
  1. Акинчев, А. Л. Возможные причины послеоперационного рецидивного зоба / А. Л. Акинчев, А. Ф. Романчишен // IV Всерос. Конгр. эндокринологов. – СПб., 2001. – С. 256-257.
  2. Балаболкин, М. И. Фундаментальная и клиническая тиреодология: руководство / М. И. Балаболкин, Е. М. Клебанова, В. М. Креминская; под. ред М. И. Балаболкина. – М., Медицина, 2007. – 814 с.
  3. Брейдо, И. С. Тактика хирурга при рецидивном зобе / И. С. Брейдо // Вест. хир. им. Грекова. – 1983. – Т. 130, № 6. – С. 140-143.
  4. Послеоперационный рецидивный токсический зоб: методические рекомендации / Л. Н. Камардин [и др.]. – М., 1990. – 11 c.
  5. Гоч, Е. М. Рецидивы зоба / Е. М. Гоч // Проблемы эндокринологии. – 1994. – Т. 40, № 3. – С. 35-37.
  6. Брейдо, И. С. Хирургическое лечение заболевания щитовидной железы / И. С. Брейдо. – СIIб., 1998. – 331 c.
  7. Валдина, Е. А. Заболевания щитовидной железы: хирургические аспекты / Е. А. Валдина. – 2-е изд. – СПб., 2001. – 397с.
  8. Цариковская, Н. Г. Хирургическое лечение послеоперационных рецидивов тиреотоксикоза / Н. Г. Цариковская, Ф. С. Ткач, Ю. И. Караченцев // Клин. хирургия. – 1984. – Т. 12. – С. 7-9.
  9. Седов, В. Н. Профилактика рецидивного зоба: пособие для врачей / В. Н. Седов, Ю. И. Седлетский. – СПб.,1999. – 18 с.
  10. Абдулхаликов, А. С. Прецизионная этанол-деструкция токсической аденомы щитовидной железы // Материалы IV Всерос. тиреодолог. конгр. – М., 2007. – С. 4.
  11. Климченков, А. П. Опыт этаноловой деструкции тиреоидных узлов // IV Всероссийский конгр. эндокринологов / А. П. Климченков, А. С. Кузьмичев. – СПб., 2001. – С. 315.




Rather a rare clinical observation of the giant stomach and small intestine trichobezoar in an 8 year old girl is presented in the article. The possibilities of ultrasound and FGDS in the diagnostics of this pathology are demonstrated; operative treatment of this patient is described.

Keywords: trichobezoar, diagnostics, treatment
p. 174 - 176 of the original issue
  1. Трихобезоар желудка больших размеров у ребенка 7 лет / В. М. Чекмарев [и др.] // Детская хирургия. – 2004. – № 4. – С. 47-48.
  2. Трихобезоар подвздошной кишки / Т. Э. Мкртычева [и др.] // Детская хирургия. – 2004. – № 4. – С. 48.
  3. Випадок трихобезоару шлунка у дитини / О. М. Горленко [и др.] // Сучасна гастраентерологiя. – 2003. – № 4 (14). – С. 38-39.
  4. Сидоров, П. И. Трихобезоар желудочно-кишечного тракта в клинике детского невроза / П. И. Сидоров, В. В. Михеева // Журн. неврологии и психиатрии им. С. С. Корсакова. – 2000. – № 2. – С. 59-60.
  5. Carr, J. R. Trichotillomania and Triсhobezoar: A Clinical Practice Insight With Report of illustrative Case / J. R. Carr, E. H. Sholevar, D. A. Baron // Clinical practice. – 2006. – № 11. – P. 647-562.




Hemorrhage is one of the most threatening complications of ulcers. During recent years the definite changes in the approaches concerning treatment of the patients with gastroduodenal hemorrhage of ulcerous etiology were achieved. In the reports review of All-Russian scientific conference of general surgeons which took place in Rostov-on-Don on the 16–17th of October, 2008, diagnostic tactics and modern tactical approaches to treatment of the patients with peptic ulcer complicated by hemorrhage are presented.

Keywords: peptic ulcers, gastroduodenal hemorrhage
p. 177 - 182 of the original issue
  1. Диагностика и лечение осложнённых форм язвенной болезни желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки / В. Н. Чернов [и др.] // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов, объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 63-66.
  2. Анализ результатов лечения язвенной болезни желудка и 12-перстной кишки, осложнённой кровотечением / А. С. Ермолов [и др.] // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов, объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 46-48.
  3. Тактика при гастродуоденальных кровотечениях у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста / М. Д. Дирибов [и др.] // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов, объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 40-42.
  4. Ермолов, А. С. Неотложная хирургия осложнённых язв желудка и 12-перстной кишки / А. С. Ермолов, А. П. Турко, В. Г. Андреев // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов, объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 15-17.
  5. Хирургическое лечение язвенной болезни, осложнённой кровотечением / П. М. Назаренко [и др.] // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов, объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 51-52.
  6. Динамика осложнений язвенной болезни в Курской области за 30 лет / А. Г. Бондарев [и др.] // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов, объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 13-14.
  7. Гостищев, В. К. Дифференцированная лечебная тактика при острых гастродуоденальных язвенных кровотечениях / В. К. Гостищев, М. А. Евсеев, Г. Б. Ивахов // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 34-36.
  8. Фомин, А. В. Реабилитация больных осложнёнными формами язвенной болезни желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки / А. В. Фомин, К. В. Москалёв, Л. А. Ковалёва // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов, объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 33-34.
  9. Евсеев, М. А. Особенности хирургической тактики при гастродуоденальных кровотечениях язвенной этиологии у больных старших возрастных групп / М. А. Евсеев // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 44-46.
  10. Панцырев, Ю. М. Хирургическое лечение осложнённой язвенной болезни / Ю. М. Панцырев, С. Г. Шаповальянц, А. И. Михалев // Неотложная хирургия и инфекция в хирургии: мат. V Всерос. науч. конф. общих хирургов, объединён. с пленумом Проблем. комис. РАМН. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2008. – С. 23-24.
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