Year 2006 Vol. 14 No 3



At present there are two main modern classifications of chronic venous insufficiency of lower limbs. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which have been discussed repeatedly at various international phlebology forums. The main criterion of any assumption as well as classification vitality is demand on them and their applicability. The research on the application of chronic venous insufficiency of lower limbs classification in practical medicine and scientific works has been carried out.
Analysis of Russian and foreign researchers’ publications has shown that at the moment the international CEAP classification is universally recognized and widely used in scientific papers. Nowadays in the Republic of Belarus there are no single approaches to the application of chronic venous insufficiency classifications both in practical medicine and in scientific researches. The analysis performed has proved the necessity of broad discussion of introduction and application of the single chronic venous insufficiency of lower limbs classification problem in the republic.

Keywords: chronic venous insufficiency, present-day classifications, application of the classifications
p. 2 - 10 of the original issue
  1. Баранов, Г.А. Некоторые аспекты этиопатогенеза и диагностики хронической венозной недостаточности / Г.А.Баранов, П.Г.Дунаев. – Ярославль: Формат-принт,2003. – 143 с.
  2. Богачев, В.Ю. Новые данные о хронической венозной недостаточности: от эпидемиологии к лечению. Обзор материалов симпозиума на 14 Всемирном Конгрессе международного общества флебологов, Рим, 9-14 сентября 2001 г. / В.Ю. Богачев // Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. – 2002. – Т.8, №2. – С. 119-126.
  3. Богачев, В.Ю. Обзор материалов международного флебологического конгресса, Сан-Диего, США, 27-31 августа 2003 г. / В.Ю. Богачев // Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. – 2004. – Т.10, №2. – С. 54-59.
  4. Гришин, И.Н. Варикоз и варикозная болезнь нижних конечностей / И.Н. Гришин, В.Н. Подгайский, И.С. Старосветская – Мн.: Выш.шк., 2005. – 253 с.
  5. Конгресс Международного союза флебологов: обзор материалов, Сан Диего, США, август 2003 г. // Флеболимфология. Специальный выпуск. – 2004. – № 22 – 32 с.
  6. Варикозная болезнь вен нижних конечностей: стандарты диагностики и лечения: совещание экспертов, Москва, 16 июня 2000 г. – М., 2000. – 16 с.
  7. Косинец, А.Н. Варикозное расширение вен нижних конечностей. / А.Н. Косинец, В.И. Петухов. – Витебск: ВГМУ, 2002. – 200 с.
  8. Лесько, В.А. Типы варикозной болезни и дифференцированный выбор хирургического лечения / В.А. Лесько, В.А. Янушко, Л.Л. Ефимович // Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. – 2002 .– Т.8, №2. – С.102-106.
  9. Низамов, Ф.Х. О классификации варикозной болезни / Ф.Х. Низамов // Труды V конференции ассоциации флебологов России, Москва, 9-11 декабря, 2004 г. – М., 2004. – C. 267-268
  10. Покровский, А.В. Хроническая венозная недостаточность нижних конечностей-современные проблемы диагностики, классификации, лечения / А.В.Покровский, С.В. Сапелкин // Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. – 2003. –Т.9, № 1. – С.53-58.
  11. Покровский, А.В. Классификации ХВН. Трудности перевода / А.В. Покровский, С.И. Сапелкин // Стандарты Диагностики и лечения ХВН: дань моде или необходимость?: материалы симпозиума.V Конференция Ассоциации флебологов России, Москва, 9-11 декабря 2004 г. – Москва, 2004. – С.9-14.
  12. Савельев, В.С. Болезни магистральных вен / В.С.Савельев, Э.П. Думпе, Е.Г. Яблоков. – М.: Медицина,1972. – 440 с.
  13. Флебология: руководство для врачей / В.С.Савельев [и др.]; под ред. В.С.Савельева. – М.: Медицина, 2001. – 664 с.
  14. Шулутко, А.М. Варикозная болезнь. Современные принципы лечения / А.М.Шулутко, А.Ю.Крылов. – М.: Миклош,2003. – 127 с.
  15. Antignani, P.L. Chronic venous pathology: presentation of a new international classification / P.L. Antignani, T. Di-Fortunato // Clin.Ter. – 1997. – Vol.148, № 11. – .521-526.
  16. Classification and grading of chronic venous disease in the lower limbs. A consensus statement Ad Hoc Committee, American Venous Forum // J. Cardiovasc.Surg.Torino. – 1997. – Vol.38, № 5. – P. 437-441.
  17. Kistner, R.L. Diagnosis of chronic venous disease of the lower extremities: the «CEAP» classification / R.L. Kistner, B. Eklof, E.M. Masuda // Mayo.Clin.Proc. – 1996. – Vol.71, № 4. – P.338-345.
  18. Labropoulos, N. Гемодинамические изменения и классификация CEAP / N. .Labropoulos // Флеболимфология. – 2004. – №23. – С.2-6.
  19. Leu, H.J. Morphological alterations of non-varicose and varicose veins. (A morphological contribution to the discussion on pathogenesis of varicose veins) / H.J. Leu, M. Vogt, H. Pfrunder // Basic.Res.Cardiol. – 1979. – Vol.74, № 4. – P.435-444.
  20. Partsch, H. A new classification scheme of chronic venous disease in the lower extremities.-The «CEAP»-system / H. Partsch // Phlebolymphology. –1995. –№ 10. – P.3-8.
  21. 21st World Congress of the International Union of Angiology, May 22-26, 2004, Rome, Italy) // Phlebolymphology.Special issue. – 2004. – №46. – 115 р.



Our initial experience in carotid surgery is described in the article. The retrospective analysis of 38 cases is performed. All the patients came to see vascular surgeon with the initial complaints of intermittent claudication. 38 patients suffering from cerebrovascular disease were being operated on at Gomel regional vascular surgery department from October, 2005 till June, 2006. Among them there were 97,4% males and 2,6% females at the average age of 60,8±8,6. Ultrasound duplex scanning was applied as the basic method of instrumental diagnostics. The direct arterial blood pressure monitoring was carried on during the operation itself and then during the first days after it. Lethal outcome comprises 0%; early post-operative complications comprise 7,9%.

Keywords: carotid surgery, brachiocephal vessels, diagnostics, efficacy of the operative treatment
p. 11 - 16 of the original issue
  1. Преждевременная смертность: проблемы и пути решения // Доклад ВОЗ. – 2005.
  2. Gardner, A.W. Exercise rehabilitation programs for the treatment of claudication pain. / A.W. Gardner, E.T. Poehlman // JAMA. – Vol.374, N12. – Р. 234-247.
  3. Dormandy, J. Predicting which patients will develop chronic critical leg ischemia / J. Dormandy, L. Heeck, S. Vig // Seminars in Vascular Surgery. – Vol.12, N 2. – 1999. – P.138-141.
  4. Intermittent claudication: surgical significance / C.N. Peabody [et al.] // Arch.Surg. – Vol.109, N 693. – P.1974.
  5. Dormandy, J. The natural history of claudication: risk to life and limb / J. Dormandy, L. Heeck, S. Vig // Seminars in Vascular Surgery. – 1999. – Vol.12, N 2. – P. 123-137
  6. Wolf, P.A. Epidemiology of stroke / P.A. Wolf, J.L. Cobb, R.B. D’Agostino // Рathophysiology, diagnosis and management / P.A. Wolf; ed. H.J. Barnett [et al.]. – NY: Churchill Livingston; 1992. – Р.3-27
  7. Покровский, А.В. Что могут сегодня сосудистые хирурги? // Ангиология и сердечно-сосудистая хирургия. – 2003. – №24 – С. 45-57.
  8. Randomised trial of endarterectomy for recently symptomatic carotid stenosis: final results of the MRC European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST). // Lancet. – 1998. – Vol. 351. – P.1379-1387.
  9. Executive Committee for the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study. Endarterectomy for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis // JAMA. – 1995. – Vol. 273. – P.1421-1428.
  10. Benefit of carotid endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic moderate or severe stenosis: North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators / H.J. Barnett [et al.] // N. Eng. J. M. – 1998. – Vol.339. – P.1415-1425.



The aim of the work was to study the possibility of posterior tibial veins remote occlusion application for trophic ulcer of venous genesis treatment.
54 patients with chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs who have trophic ulcers were included in the research. All the patients were operated on. The plan before the operation presupposed conducting of isolated posterior tibial veins occlusion by means of catgut in the region of trophic disturbances. The process of intervention and the character of post-operative period were analyzed. To evaluate the effectiveness of the operative treatment, the patients were examined after 1-1,5 months. By that time trophic ulcers had healed in 93,7% patients.
The obtained results have shown that carrying out distant occlusion of posterior tibial veins contributes to rapid trophic ulcer of venous genesis healing. The given operation is pathogenetically proved because it affords to liquidate retrograde blood flow along posterior tibial and incompetent perforate veins in the lower third of the shin. Combination of distant occlusion with autodermaplasty helps to reach large ulcers healing. It can be regarded as the phase of complex operative treatment of the patients with trophic ulcers of venous genesis.

Keywords: chronic venous insufficiency, trophic ulcers, operative treatment, perforant veins, posterior tibial veins, distant occlusion
p. 17 - 22 of the original issue
  1. Флебология: руководство для врачей / В.С. Савельев [и др.]; под ред. В.С. Савельева. М.: Медицина, 2001. 664 с.
  2. Medical costs of treating venous stasis ulcers: evidence from a retrospective cohort study / J.W. Olin [et al.] // Vasc.Med. 1999. Vol.4, №1. P.1-7.
  3. Elder, D.M. Venous disease: how to heal and prevent chronic leg ulcers / D.M. Elder; K.E. Greer // Geriatrics. 1995. Vol.50, №8. P.30-36.
  4. Ruckley, C.V. Socioeconomic impact of chronic venous insufficiency and leg ulcers / C.V. Ruckley // Angiology. 1997. Vol.48, №1. P.67-69.
  5. Carpentier, P. Epidemiology of chronic venous insufficiency / P. Carpentier, P. Priollet // Presse.Med. 1994. Vol.23, №5. P.197-201.
  6. Allegra, C. Chronic venous insufficiency: the effects of healf-care reforms on the cost of treatment and hospitalization-an Italian perspective / C. Allegra // Current Medical Res.Opinion. 2003. Vol.19, №8. P.761-769.
  7. Socio-economic impact of chronic venous insufficiency. An underestimated public health problem / R. Van den Oever [et al.] // Int. Angiol. 1998. Vol.17, №3. P.161-167.
  8. Гришин, И.Н. Варикоз и варикозная болезнь нижних конечностей / И.Н. Гришин, В.Н. Подгайский, И.С. Старосветская. – Мн.: Выш.шк., 2005.– 253 с.
  9. Патогенез и хирургическое лечение при трофических язвах нижних конечностей на почве варикозной болезни / Б.С. Суковатых [и др.] // Вестник хирургии. 2000. №3. С.25-30.
  10. Возможности эндоскопической хирургии в лечении декомпенсированных форм хронической венозной недостаточности нижних конечностей / В.А. Лазаренко [и др.] // Вестник хирургии. 2005. №3. С.10-14.
  11. Endoscopic perforating vein surgery. Review of the literature and personal experience / F. D’Angelo [et al.] // Minerva Chir. 2001. Vol.56, № 4. P.365-381.
  12. Веденский, А.Н. Новый способ коррекции патологического кровотока в венах голени / А.Н.Веденский // Вестник хирургии. 1988. №4. С.143-144.
  13. Патогенетическое обоснование объёма и технология хирургической коррекции нарушений мышечно-венозной помпы нижних конечностей у больных с декомпенсированными формами варикозной болезни / Б.С. Суковатых [и др.] // Вестник хирургии 1999. №5. C. 27-30.
  14. Ошибки, опасности и осложнения в хирургии вен: руководство для врачей / под ред.Ю.Л.Шевченко. СПб: Питер Ком, 1999. 320 с.
  15. Аутовенозная обтурация заднеберцовых вен в комплексном хирургическом лечении хронической венозной недостаточности: методические рекомендации / К.Г. Абалмасов [и др.]; под ред. акад. РАМН Л.А. Бокерия. М.: Изд-во НЦССХ им А.Н.Бакулева РАМН, 2002. 12 с.



Modification of the local darsonvalization apparatus for local ozonetherapy of soft tissues pyo-inflammatory diseases is suggested in the article. The attachment on the electrode of the local darsonvalization apparatus has been worked out. Physical and chemical properties of the synthesized gas mixture have been investigated: concentration of ozone, synthesized by means of the local darsonvalization apparatus “BLIK”, solubility and decomposition of ozone in liquids. It has been established, that the obtained environment has antibacterial effect with a wide spectrum of activity. The antibacterial effect in vitro has been studied in various modes of ozonization (treatment of the microbial cells suspension in the physiological solution of sodium chloride, distilled water in the presence of organic compounds). The conditions for local ozonetherapy of pyo-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues have been determined.

Keywords: pyo-inflammatory diseases, local treatment, ozone therapy, local darsonvalization
p. 23 - 32 of the original issue
  1. Белобородова, Н.В. Цефалоспорины IV поколения в лечении тяжелых инфекций у детей / Н.В. Белобородова // Consilium medicum. – 2000. – Т.2, №4. – С. 162–166.
  2. Гостищев, В.К. Пути и возможности профилактики инфекционных осложнений в хирургии / В.К. Гостищев, В.В. Омельяновский // Хирургия. – 1997. – №8 – С. 11-15.
  3. Мукобенов, С.Х. Озонотерапия в комплексном лечении инфекционных осложнений в абдоминальной хирургии: автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. наук: 14.00.27 / С.Х. Мукобенов; Рос. гос. мед. ун-т. – М., 2004. – 26 с.
  4. Крылов, М. Д. Озонотерапия в комплексном лечении гнойно-некротических заболеваний нижних конечностей у больных сахарным диабетом: автореферат диссертации ... канд. мед наук: 14.00.27 / М.Д. Крылов; Рос. науч. центр хирургии РАМН. – М., 2001. – 25 с.
  5. Глухов, А.А. Метод пристеночно-полостной санации кишечника в комплексном лечении острого распространенного перитонита / А.А. Глухов, А.И. Жданов, А.А. Андреев // Вестник хирургии им. И.И. Грекова. – 2004. – №2. – С. 41-45.
  6. Кутубидзе, Р.А. Применение озонированной воды в комплексе лечения хирургической инфекции у детей / Р.А. Кутубидзе, В.В. Талаквадзе // Детская хирургия. – 2003. – №2. – С. 16-18.
  7. Масленников, О.В. Озонотерапия: / О.В. Масленников, К.Н. Конторщикова // Внутренние болезни: пособие / О.В. Масленников, К.Н. Конторщикова. – Н. Новгород, 1999. – 243 с.
  8. Озонотерапия: механизм действия, методики и применение в медицинской практике / Г.Л. Гуревич [и др.] // Здравоохранение. – 2004. – №4. – С. 23-27.
  9. Ефименко, Н.А. Озонотерапия в хирургической клинике / Н.А. Ефименко, Н.Е. Чернеховская. – М.: Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования, 2001. – 160 с.
  10. Муратов, И.Д. Использование озона для местного лечения гнойно-воспалительных процессов / И.Д. Муратов // Детская хирургия. – 2005. – №1. – С. 50-53.
  11. Змызгова, А.В. Клинические аспекты озонотерапии / А.В. Змызгова, В.А. Максимов. – М: НПЦ Озонотерапии, 2003. – 58с.
  12. Bocci, V. Oxygen-ozone therapy: a critical evaluation / V. Bocci. – Boston London: Kluver Academic Publishers Dordrecht, 2002. – P.440.
  13. 13 Viebahn-Haensler, R. The use of Ozone in Medicine / R. Viebahn-Haensler. – 3rd revised English ed. – Huegelsheim, 1999. – P.148.
  14. Даулбаева, А.А. Влияние озона на чувствительность микроорганизмов к антибиотикам / А.А. Даулбаева, Г.Т. Байзакова // Стоматология. – 2003. – Т.82. – №.2. – С. 36-38.
  15. Улащик, В.С. Основы общей физиотерапии / В.С. Улащик, И.В. Лукомский. – Минск-Витебск, 1997. – С. 93-97.
  16. Насадка к аппарату местной дарсонвализации для получения озона: пат. 1747 Респ. Беларусь, МПК 7 А 61N 1/44 / А.Н. Лызиков, А.Г. Скуратов, В.А. Игнатенко, Т.В. Гугешашвили, М. Аль-Шаржаби; заявитель Учреждение образования «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет» (BY) – № u 20040242; заявл. 20.05.04 // Афіцыйны бюл. / Нац. цэнтр інтэлектуал. уласнасці. – 2005. – № 1. – С. 207.



Rehabilitation of the patients with marked flexion contractures of hand fingers (III-IV degrees) is accompanied by great difficulties. The percentage of postoperative complications (20%) and recurrences (26-80%) is high. The increase of skin-plastic interventions with the usage of free skin grafts will permit to enlarge considerably the possibilities of post-operative rehabilitation period, to reduce the number of complications and recurrences and to improve the treatment results.

Keywords: flexion contracture of the hand fingers, operative treatment, skin grafting, complications, rehabilitation
p. 33 - 41 of the original issue
  1. Микусев, И.Е. Контрактура Дюпюитрена пальцев кисти (вопросы этиологии, патогенеза и оперативного лечения)/И.Е. Микусев//Ортопед., травм. и протезир.–1993.-№3. – 174c.
  2. Толстик, А.Н. Болезнь Дюпюитрена: история, этиопатогенез, клиника, лечение/А.Н. Толстик, В.П. Дейкало//Мед. новости.-2006.-№6.-С.7-12.
  3. Толстик, А.Н. Болезнь Дюпюитрена – современное состояние проблемы/А.Н. Толстик, В.П. Дейкало//Вестник Витебского государственного медицинского университета.-2004.-Т.3., № 2.-С.73-79.
  4. Толстик, А.Н. Изменения структур ладонно–пальцевой фасции при болезни Дюпюитрена/А.Н. Толстик, В.П. Дейкало//Новости хирургии.–2005.-Т.13, №1.–С.60–64.
  5. Толстик, А.Н. Профилактика послеоперационных осложнений при лечении болезни Дюпюитрена с использованием лекарственного средства «Диклоберл® №75»/А.Н. Толстик, В.П. Дейкало//Вестник фармации.-2005.-№4(30).-С.29-31.
  6. Calandruccio, J.H. Dupuytren Contracture/J.H. Calandruccio//Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics/S. Terry Canale.-Ninth edition by S. Terry Canale.-1999.-Vol. 4. –Part. XV.-Chap.76.Frank P.L. An update on Dupuytren’s contracture // Hosp. Med.- 2001.0-Vol. 62. - №11. - Р. 678-681.
  7. Hurst, L.C. Dupuytren’s Disease/L.C. Hurst//Hand Surg. Update.-1996.-Chapter 26.-Р.271-279.



The schemes and methods of post-operative rehabilitation of the patients with the rotator shoulder cuff pathology are represented in the article. Two periods were singled out in the process of rehabilitation: immobilization and reconstructive treatment itself. The first period includes the methods of treating the patients with the external immobilization of the shoulder joint, elimination of the pain syndrome and active kinesotherapy till the expiry of motionless period. The second period includes the methods of supra-scapular nerve blockages and subacromial blockage; schemes of the shoulder joint mechanotherapy. The traditional physiotherapeutic procedures used for this purpose aren’t very effective in shortening the period of rehabilitation and disability, that’s why mechanoapparatuses were worked out in the clinic to improve the system of the patients’ rehabilitation. The schemes of passive, active-passive and active kinesotherapy with the application of apparatuses and devices designed in the clinic are represented in details. It’s concluded that carrying out patients’ rehabilitation after restorative surgeries on the rotator shoulder cuff contributes to prevention of the shoulder girdle and upper arm muscle hypotrophy, considerably increases rehabilitation treatment effectiveness, cuts down its duration and leads to the reduction of temporary disability period.

Keywords: shoulder rotator cuff pathology, operative treatment, rehabilitation
p. 42 - 50 of the original issue
  1. Аскерко Э.А. Практическая хирургия ротаторной манжеты плеча / Витебск: ВГМУ, 2005.- 201 с.
  2. Гончаренко В.В., Солод Н.В. Предупреждение послеоперационных артрогенных контрактур. - Воронеж: Изд-во ВГУ, 1990.-168 с.
  3. Кузьменко В.В., Скороглядов А.В., Магдиев Д.А. Борьба с болью при повреждениях и заболеваниях опорно-двигательного аппарата.-М.: Медицина. 1996.-128 с.
  4. Реабилитация больных с заболеваниями и повреждениями вращательной манжетки плеча /Т.В. Буйлова, С.Е. Шафир. С.А. Афошин, О.П. Мотякина. - Нижний Новгород, 1998.–27 с.
  5. Руководство по реабилитации больных с двигательными нарушениями: Том. I / Под ред. А.Н. Беловой, О.Н. Щепетовой.- М.:, 1998.-224 с.
  6. Jackins S. Postoperative shoulder rehabi-litation // Phys. Med. Rehabil. Clin. N. Am.- 2004.-Vol. 15.-№ 3.-P. 643-682.
  7. Delbrouck C., Dauty M., Huguet D., Dubois C. Rehabilitation after shoulder rotator cuff surgery: in-patient or day-hospitalization (about 76 cases) // Ann. Readapt Med. Phys. -2003.-Vol. 46.-№ 4.-P. 207-213.



Prostate benign hyperplasia (PBH) is observed in approximately 20% males of 40 years of age, 70% males of 60 and 90% males of 80 and over. It was determined that the prostate is a hormone dependent organ. It is known that androgenic hormones are synthesized from cholesterol; besides cholesterol is actively used for cellular membrane formation, therefore blood lipid profile changes should be expected in PBH patients. 35 patients with stage I PBH, 40 patients with stage II PBH and 24 patients with stage III PBH were examined, 50 healthy males composed a control group. All the examined subjects were of the age of 48±5. The content of total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) was determined in blood serum by means of fermentation, using standard chemical reagents sets. Stability and variability of lipid profile indices were estimated according to the entropy definition. It was determined that prostate benign hyperplasia develops on the background of hypercholesterolemia, hyperbetacholesterolemia of various stages, hypoalphacholesterolemia, normotriacylglycerolemia that is the evidence of a cholesterol reverse transport disturbance.

Keywords: prostate, benign hyperplasia, blood lipid profile, cholesterol transport
p. 51 - 55 of the original issue
  1. Efficacy – and safety of finasteride therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia: results of a 2-year randomized controlled trial (the PROSPECT Study) / J.C. Nickel [et al.] // Can. Med. Assoc. J. –1996. – Vol. 155. – P. 1251-1259.
  2. Holmium: JAY Laser resection of the prostate versus visual laser ablation of the prostate and transurethral ultrasound – quided laser induced prostatectomy / M. Kitagawa [et al.] // J. of Endourology.–1998.– Vol. 5, №.2.– P. 152-156.
  3. The impact of medical therapy on bother due to symptoms, quality of life and global outcome, and factors predicting response / H. Lepor [et al.] // J. Urol. – 1998. – Vol. 160. – P. 1358-1367.



Distant results of treatment were studied in 110 patients with prevalent (T3-4NO-2MO-1) stomach cancer, which underwent combined surgery with the pancreas resection. The observed 5-year survival of the patients (according to Kaplan-Meyer) is 21,3±4,2%. The most important prognosis factor was the presence of residual tumor. Among the factors connected with the prevalence of tumor process, lesion of regional lymph nodes and presence of distant metastasis have the greatest influence on the patients’ survival. Macroscopic tumor type has the determining influence on the patients’ survival. 5-year survival in case of exophitic tumors was 27,4±5,4%; in case of endophitic it was 6,9±4,7%. Among the factors connected with the patients, severe body mass deficiency reduced survival indicators reliably. Survival didn’t depend on the character of the stomach surgery, combined surgery type and the number of adjacent organs resections. Survival was reliably higher in the patients who underwent lymph dissection in the volume of D2-D3 in comparison with D1 dissection: survival median was 33,9 and 19,6 correspondingly.

Keywords: stomach cancer, combined surgeries, lymph dissection, distant results, survival, prognosis factors
p. 56 - 65 of the original issue
  1. Бутенко, А.В. Комбинированные и расширенные операции при раке желудка: автореф. дисс. д-ра мед. наук: 14.00.14 / А.В. Бутенко. – М.: МНИОИ им. П.А. Герцена, 1999. – 27 с.
  2. Возможности хирургического лечения местнораспространенных и диссеминированных форм рака желудка / М.И. Давыдов [и др.] // Материалы III съезда онкологов и радиологов СНГ, Минск, 25-28 мая 2004 г.: в 2 ч. – Мн.: ОДО “Тонпик”, 2004. – Ч. 2. – С. 137.
  3. Диагностика и лечение злокачественных опухолей печени / Ю.И. Патютко [и др.] // V Рос. онкол. конф., Москва, 26-28 ноября 2002 г.: тезисы докл. – М., 2002. – С. 25.
  4. Осложнения и летальность после расширенных операций при раке желудка / В.И. Чиссов [и др.] // Рос. онкол. журн. – 1999. – № 2. – С. 6-9.
  5. Перитонеальный лаваж как обязательный элемент диагностики распространенности рака желудка / Давыдов М.И. [и др.] // Материалы III съезда онкологов и радиологов СНГ: Минск, 25-28 мая 2004 г.: в 2 ч.– Мн.: ОДО “Тонпик”, 2004. – Ч. 2. – С. 138.
  6. Поляков,С.М. Злокачественные новообразования в Беларуси 1994 – 2003 / С.М. Поляков, К.В. Мощик, Л.Ф. Левин; под ред. А.А. Граковича, И.В. Залуцкого. – Мн: БелЦМТ, 2004. – 203 с.
  7. Рак желудка с метастазами в парааортальные лимфатические узлы: возможности хирургического лечения / А.Н. Абдихакимов [и др.] // Вопр. онкол. – 2003. – Т. 49, №2. – С. 209-216.
  8. Рак желудка: корреляция формы роста и объема лимфодиссекции / М.И. Давыдов [и др.] // Материалы III съезда онкологов и радиологов СНГ, Минск, 25-28 мая 2004 г.: в 2 ч. – Мн.: ОДО “Тонпик”, 2004. – Ч. 2 – С. 136-137.
  9. Рак желудка: предоперационное обследование и актуальные вопросы стадирования / М.И. Давыдов [и др.] // Практ. онкол. – 2001. – № 3 (7). – С. 9-17.
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The colorectal cancer represents one of the most actual problems of the modern medicine as it occupies the third place on frequency and the second on mortality rate after carcinoma of the lungs in the structure of the oncological diseases. However, in half of cases the diagnostics of the colorectal cancer is belated. At the same time there are reliable proofs that the mortality decrease from the colorectal cancer can be achieved by revealing and treatment of its early forms by carrying out mass screening examination of the population at the age elder than 50 years. For these purposes, economically expedient, noninvasive method is necessary which, in opinion of the majority of researchers, actually the hemoccult test is. The purpose of our research was the studying of the diagnostic possibilities of the immunochemical test for the occult blood in feces in the screening diagnostics of the colorectal cancer. As a result of the research, it was determined, that the immunochemical test allows making the screening diagnostics of the colorectal cancer quickly and effectively, surpassing on accuracy the hemoccult test.

Keywords: colorectal cancer, early diagnostics, screening diagnostics, immunochemical test, hemoccult test
p. 66 - 73 of the original issue
  1. Михайлова, Е.И. Скрининг колоректального рака (литературный обзор) / Е.И. Михайлова [и др.] // Проблемы здоровья и экологии. – 2004. – № 2. – С. 79-82.
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The general proteolytic activity (GPА) and activity of a1-antiproteinases inhibitor (АPI), a2-macroglobulin (MG), cysteinic proteinases inhibitor (ICP) in the blood serum and peritoneal fluid have been analyzed in 35 healthy women, in 20 patients with plural localization of the external endometriosis, in 10 – with small forms of the external endometriosis and in 13 patients with pelvic adhesions associated with infertility (PAAI). . Proteolytic system activity in case of endometriosis has been disturbed, mainly because of inhibitor potential. In all research groups API was higher, than in healthy, the MG and ICP, on the contrary – were reduced. Expressiveness of these disturbances didn’t depend on the amount and size of endometriosis foci. At PAAI the activity of proteolytic system differed from healthy owing to АPI and MG. API activity at PAAI was stimulated, MG was depressed. For the first time the presence of proteolytic and inhibitor activity in the peritoneal fluid was revealed in case of gynecological pathology. API changes in peritoneal fluid were opposite to the changes in the blood serum.

Keywords: endometriosis, infertility, tubal-peritoneal factor, peritoneal fluid, proteolytic system activity
p. 74 -80 of the original issue
  1. Барановская, Е.И. Роль протеолиза в циклической трансформации эндометрия и патогенезе внутреннего эндометриоза матки, методы коррекции: автореф. дис. канд.мед.наук:14.00.01 / Е.И. Барановская; Минский мед.институт. – Минск.,1995. – 20 с.
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  4. Кирпиченок, Л.Н. Протеиназы и их ингибиторы в гнойной хирургии и онкологии / Л.Н. Кирпиченок, А.Н. Косинец. – Витебск: ВГМУ, 2003. – 409 с.
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66 girls at the age of 6-15 with chronic granular cystitis were examined by us. These children were divided into 2 groups: the control group of the traditional therapy (antibacterial therapy, 0, 01% chlorgexydine solution instillation, physiotherapy) which included 46 children and the research group of immunocorrection (traditional therapy+ Licopid + instillation of Roncoleukin) - 40 children. It was established, that chronic granular cystitis in 55, 8% patients was caused by atypical flora. More rapid regression of clinical signs and normalization of the bladder mucosa were found in the research group of children. What concerns the immune system, the increase of the indicators and achievement of normative meanings of CD3+, CD4+, CD3, IgA (р<0,05) were observed, and in the control group these data had left on rather low levels.

Keywords: chronic granular cystitis, etiopathogenetic therapy, licopid, roncoleukin
p. 81 - 87 of the original issue
  1. Лоран, О.Б. Роль урогенитальных инфекций в этиологии цистита и необструктивного пиелонефрита у женщин / О.Б.Лоран, Л.А. Синякова, И.В. Косова // Урология. – 2005. – №2. – Ч.1 – С.74-79.
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